HomeResources20 Beautifully Designed Infographic with full of Interesting Data

20 Beautifully Designed Infographic with full of Interesting Data

Infographic or information graphic is a way to represent data in the graphical form with the help of signs, pictures, maps etc. [highlight-red]Infographic is well known for simplifying complex information in a manner by presenting information in a compact and creative approach[/highlight-red], Infographic are able to quickly convey knowledge and engage its viewers.

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The best example of Infographic in our daily routine may be in newspaper, we are familiar with weather column which shows temperature of various cities in the form of graphic, this is called Infographic. Children’s books are also common in scientific literature, where they illustrate physical systems, especially ones that cannot be photographed (such as cutaway diagrams, astronomical diagrams, and images of microscopic or sub-microscopic systems).

Information is countless, but nobody can obtain the entire one easily, but we can make it simple to observe and interesting by molding it into Infographic. So, today, we collected 20 of the well-designed Infographic which contain interesting information within. If you are familiar with other useful Infographic then please use the comment form below to notify us.


1. Glass Half Empty: The Coming Water Wars

[button-red url=”http://www.princeton.edu/~ina/infographics/water.html” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


2. Cover Drive

[button-red url=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/rajkamalaich/2820472541/lightbox/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


3. Flickr User Model

[button-red url=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/bryce/58299511/lightbox/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


4. Black Hawk Down

[button-red url=”http://ellusive.deviantart.com/art/Black-Hawk-Down-Vector-Graphic-26337899″ target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


5. Consumers’ Savings Behaviors

[button-red url=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/rajkamalaich/3449262479/in/pool-16135094@N00/lightbox/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


6. The Magic Bean Shop

[button-red url=”http://www.princeton.edu/~ina/infographics/starbucks.html” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


7. Classifying Experiences

[button-red url=”http://www.poetpainter.com/thoughts/article/classifying-experiences” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


8. Pissing Off The Financial World

[button-red url=”http://www.creditloan.com/infographics/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/aig.jpg.pagespeed.ce.k144P7HtiP.jpg” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


9. Where to Cut

[button-red url=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/rajkamalaich/3436796683/lightbox/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


10. Piggy Trouble

[button-red url=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/rajkamalaich/3512001333/in/pool-19474902@N00/lightbox/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


11. The Story of Beer

[button-red url=”http://www.manolith.com/2009/04/15/history-lesson-the-story-of-beer/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


12. 389 Years Ago

[button-red url=”http://wallstats.com/389yearsago/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


13. The Best Beer in America

[button-red url=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_V1hky3QMM4k/SXzCVJ8FBAI/AAAAAAAABIU/9yYZRJqHRJk/s1600-h/GABF+Medal+Map.jpg” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


14. The Average Car vs. The Average Human

[button-red url=”http://awesome.good.is/transparency/013/transparency013burningfuel.html” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


15. Our Favorite Drugs

[button-red url=”http://awesome.good.is/transparency/web/0904/trans0409ourfavoritedrugs.html” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


16. US-China Trade Relations

[button-red url=”http://www.mint.com/blog/trends/visualizing-uschina-trade-relations/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


17. Breakdown of Average Student Budget

[button-red url=”http://www.westwood.edu/resources/student-budget/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


18. Periodic Table of Typefaces

[button-red url=”http://api.ning.com/files/86jl2e4BiALT20KdPffJEKEX3OkVEuMewCyxD*pAV5JgvQrjMDetQD-K395jV92lT7IsrPI-l1CPkg8Ouywy*WQnOhaoJAbX/Periodic_Table_of_Typefaces_large.jpg” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


19. The Global Warming

[button-red url=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/seunghoyang/1268420118/lightbox/” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]


20. Automobile History

[button-red url=”http://awesome.good.is/transparency/009/trans009ondriving.html” target=”_self” position=”right”] Full View [/button-red]

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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