HomeInspiration10 Free Business Card PSD Templates

10 Free Business Card PSD Templates

When attempting to market your business identity, one must incorporate the proper resources such as logo, branding and their business card with personal contact info. Personalized and well designed Business Cards play a major role within ‘ how ‘ one markets themselves and their business in the physical world; if it is well designed and contains the proper details about your business then it will end up becoming your ticket to success when approaching prospective clients who will judge your work which is reflected through your business card.

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Since Web Design is regarded as a creative field, one must ensure that their business card serves as somewhat of a ‘mini portfolio’ which displays their skills. As a designer one should place equal emphasis and energy into the design of their business card which they would place into designing a website.
The skills which are required in designing a business card can be easily adapted from those that are required in designing a website.

However, we are quite aware that not everyone is a skilled web designer and may not possess the tools needed by which to design an appropriate well designed set of Business Cards for their new business venture, therefore we would like to help all of our users out by listing 10 Free beautiful Business Card PSD Templates for download which can be modified as per your business needs. You just need to have some Photoshop skills to edit these.

1. Aqua Chocolat

2. Jewelry Business Cards

3. Financial Business Cards

4. Technix Business Card


5. Westown Business Card

6. DS Business card


7. Salon Business Cards

8. Pet Grooming


9. Personal Business Cards


10. Free Business Card PSD v1

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