HomeResources20 Most Beautiful Free Website Templates in Photoshop PSD

20 Most Beautiful Free Website Templates in Photoshop PSD

Photoshop files support designers in many ways, if you need to learn about the basics of any design technology then these PSD files plays a major role. If we talk about website designs then many changes have been occurred in web design technology. Now more beautiful and creative web designs are around us, a lot of improvement in responsiveness too. But one thing which is not changed is Photoshop, it still give us aid to prepare any new technology or challenges.

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Today, we are talking about web design PSD files; [highlight-green]this is a layout file of any web design which is called prototype or basic structure. With the help of these PSD files, websites are created using any web technology of your choice.[/highlight-green] So these Web Templates in Photoshop are very important to start any web design.

It’s not possible for everyone to buy premium web templates or expend a lot to hire a graphic designer to create a new one for you. To help you out we have collected 20 free most beautiful website templates in PSD format. You need to download any template and develop that in web format.

Box & Cube



Business Company


Creative Studio

Design Tree

Education Website

IT Technologies

New Fresh

Open Mint



Dark iPhone

Small Cellphone

Paper Clip


Creative portfolio

Minimalist Website

Smart Investors

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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