HomeBlogAmazing Google Chrome Extensions For Playing Games

Amazing Google Chrome Extensions For Playing Games

‘GOOGLE’ in itself is a very strong term in the world of networking. It is an American company working worldwide. Among the best technologies provided by this company, one is the internet browsing software ‘Google Chrome’. It is amazingly instinctual, is fast for browsing, and is quite thorough. Google Chrome always fulfills the need of a browser.

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There is no doubt that the most loved features of the most widely used browser is the availability of extensions in it. Extensions are small-embedded software made specially to run in Chrome. These operating information are developed with CSS, HTML and JavaScript and can be effortlessly downloaded from the Google web store. There are a varied number of extensions available for Google Chrome and they are a lot of fun. In addition to this, we can download as many extensions as we want from the web store and use them right after downloading without restarting the browser.

These Extensions help us in a lot of ways while browsing, like blocking ads, providing us with entertainment like games and music, and in social networking like in Tweeter and in Facebook. We can play famous games like ‘Angry Birds’ and ‘Bouncy Mouse’ and also with the help of these extensions we can buffer our videos faster, listen to music, read mails with just one click, find meanings to words, and sometimes some extensions provides us with the functions of an Anti-Virus program.

Since the explanation to anything is never best without the use of examples, it is best preferred to discuss the top ten Google Chrome extensions for playing games found out from the votes of regular Chrome extension users.

If you like the article you might be interested in our other article on 30 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

1. Mini Golf

Not everyone gets a chance to play golf on the lush green grass. Google chrome extension for mini golf makes this possible for them.

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2. King Quest

This particular extension was later on added to the list of available on web store by huge demand from regular players. One needs to save oneself from animals.

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3. Poppit

Bursting Balloons is amusing and is another game in the form of extension available in Chrome.

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4. Angry Bird

Throwing some birds at green pigs by a projectile motion is a lot of fun. One of the most popular games on the internet nowadays is Angry Birds and with Google Chrome Extension we can add this game to our Chrome browser and play it whenever we feel like.

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5. Game Button

One of the most popular extensions from the house of Google is Game Button. It allows users to enjoy various games. It would keep itself updated.

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6. Avalanche

There is good news for all those who love to play without getting hooked to the monitor This game is one of the simplest available on net where one needs to save the player form the falling ice from top of avalanche.

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7. Chrome Minesweeper

The same old minesweeper with a new cool and refreshing look. One can enjoy the same old fun when this game was popular when internet connection was not that popular.

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8. Online Multiplayer Games

Multiplayer extension allows the user to play online games where multiple players are logged in. They are playing the same game at any point of time. You are virtually connected with other users. One must admit that multiplayer games are very addictive.

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9. Spark Chess

Chess game needs no introduction and is considered one of the most intelligent game which tests your skills. With this extension, one can enjoy all the benefits of the game.

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10. Entanglement

Another interesting game is Entanglement in which we make long paths without touching walls and placing hexagonal tiles by rotating them. This extension can help us play this game even when offline.

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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