HomeBlogGoogle Penguin: Nightmare for cheap bloggers

Google Penguin: Nightmare for cheap bloggers

After the hits of Google panda, now prepare yourself to face the nightmare of Google penguin if you are one of those cheap bloggers who use low quality content with excessive repetition of keywords and other black hat methods to get top spots in Google result pages.

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Google panda was invented to observe webmasters who use black hat strategies to climb up in the SERP’s to decrease their rankings on small scale but with the introduction of Google penguin update, everything became ruined and many websites and blogs have been punished to death.


After the launch of this update many websites were trashed from the Google result pages that were standing on top rankings with the help of keywords stuffing. Many websites were penalized and thrown back to the last pages of Google search results where no visitor bothers to go. This all happened overnight and you could be its next target too if you don’t do a work out on your previous SEO and blogging strategies.

Google penguin’s target

After the launch of Google penguin update, analyses and reports were made to figure out in what cases Google trashes a website based on its penguin update.

Here are some open targets:
• Blogs having low-quality content
• Duplicate (plagiarized content)
• Over-optimized title and description
• Low-quality outgoing links
• Keywords stuffed content
• Link building schemes: link exchange, link farms, paid linking and other black hat method to get backlinks
• Website redirection and cloaking that is used to confuse the search engines
• Blog posts/Website content less than 300-350 word count

So you see Google penguin is a total nightmare for cheap bloggers who used to have good rankings in SERP’s based on black hat strategies.

How to get rid of Google Penguin (especially for bloggers)


Taking preventive measures is better than being hit by Google penguin and recovering from the trash status. Bloggers who used to follow black hat strategies to achieve ranking slots in Google should now consider following the below tips to avoid getting hit by Google penguin:

Remove keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a clear open target for Google penguin. Remove excessive keywords from your website/blog content and its title and description tags. Using variations between different keywords will definitely help you instead of manipulating your content with exact keyword or key phrase. The idea here is to keep everything natural!

Create user-friendly titles

Create user-friendly title of every page that looks user-oriented not primarily built for search engines

Don’t accept guest post

If your blog accepts guest post, then stop it right now. It’s not that guest posting is dangerous but can put you in risk if you publish spun and low quality content on your blog.

Put a stop to link wheels and spam

Put a complete stop to link building strategies that involve link manipulation through scam sources like: link wheels, exchange programs, paid linking, link farming, and links from spam sites and etc.

Go slow

Forget of doing over-optimization, it won’t help you further! Make a natural strategy to optimize your website/blog and follow it gradually and step by step.

Avoid using duplicated or even spun content

Duplication or spun content is considered to be same at some point. Don’t publish content on your blog which has been spun or duplicated from other sources.

This is only the initial stage of Google’s war against web spam. There is a long way to go so you must consider these points and put a stop to web spamming now…!

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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