HomeBlogExcellent Tips On How To Do Online Shopping Safe

Excellent Tips On How To Do Online Shopping Safe

Living in 21st century and still going on shops for shopping purpose is totally wastage of precious time and energy. It is very obvious that the work that can be done in minimum efforts shouldn’t be given many efforts as it saves energy and time to do many other activities. Today with the widespread use of internet have made it possible to purchase anything and paying for it while sitting in the front of computer. Sites of mostly all the brands of all kinds of products are available through which one can easily go for anything. All the banks have their online transaction systems through which one can easily transfer any amount of money from his\her account. Free, paid or cash on delivery services make it easier and comfortable.

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In spite of the many benefits that online shopping provides, it is not free from much kind of threats and other risks. But you can be protected from them by considering various protective measures that we provide.

Use Familiar Websites: the websites should be the most trusted one. Means the local and uncommon sites should not be proffered for any kind of transaction. This is so because the non-trustable sites have risk of data tempering, viruses or falsifying of user identities etc.

Check Statements

You should always be aware about the status of your current accounts. All the information’s like balance in account and last transactions should be checked regularly for any kind of wrong or false charges.

Use Mobile Internet

Very less users uses the mobile internet for shopping purpose. Computers are mostly used for these purposes. It is normally believed that mobile transactions are not safe. But if you use the applications provided by various sites, you can safely make your transaction.
Avoid Public Terminals Mobile phones and personal computers at home are quite safe but public Wi-Fi hot spots are dangerous and insecure. They are prone to viruses, hacks, data tempering and many more such risks.

Don’t Tell All

While surfing on these sites you should remember that no shopping store needs social security number or your birthday for any transaction. This is so because these kind of information are very confidential and can harm a lot. So while filling any information, this information should be kept safe and shouldn’t be revealed.

Look for the Lock

If you want to make your transaction through your credit card then it should be confirmed first that the site you are using have security feature of data encryption. So first confirm that there is a secure socket layer encryption is used by the site.

Inoculate Your PC

Your PC should be very safe and secure from external malware and infections. There are many kinds of antivirus and anti malware’s available in the market. But these applications must be updated time to time so that they can deliver best service against all problems.

Use Strong Passwords

Passwords that you use for your account should be very strong that can never be guessed or cracked. The birthday dates or other common passwords are very weak passwords as they are easy to guess. The password should be very unique. The password size should be large because the small passwords can be cracked by making small combinations.

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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