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10 Best CSS Frameworks to Make Your Website Stylish

For all of you who are unaware about the CSS framework, let me tell you that it refers to the usage of Cascading Style Sheets language that is known specially for playing a vital role in helping you to design your webpage with ease and in sync with the standards. You can make use of the CSS Frameworks in order to add a chic look to your website. In this article we will be discussing the 10 best CSS frameworks that can help you to lift up the appearance of your website.

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1. Elastic CSS

If you are on the lookout of a simple CSS framework that is definite to provide you with a wide range of layout alternatives, then in that case it is advisable to settle for Elastic CSS. Like the name of this particular CSS framework suggests, it can be stretched like elastic in order to provide support to a good deal of layouts that together comprise of fixed, fluid as well as elastic layouts. In order to be able to make use of the Elastic CSS framework one needs to be well acquainted with the JavaScript. Moreover, you can thoroughly study the various layouts available and eventually opt for the one that best suits your requirement.
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2. SenCSs


SecCSs framework is better known as the Sensible Standards. The best part about this particular CSS framework is that it acts sensibly and allows you to deal smartly as far as styling of the repetitive part of the CSS is concerned. Since this area is taken care of by the SenCSs framework you can now concentrate on the other core elements of web development. Most importantly, this particular CSS framework is known for not bombarding you with a layout system. On an overall level, SenCSs takes care of fonts, margins, tables, headers, lists and blockquotes to list down a few.
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3. 960GS


A CSS framework that is better known for helping you to organize your work flow as far as your website development is concerned is none other than the 960GS framework. Most importantly, the 960GS framework is known for offering you two diverse packages of twelve as well as sixteen columns that can either be used on its own or in accordance with one another. Secondly, the 960GS framework also makes available an overlay tool.
Apart from this, the 960GS framework comes complete with an assortment of templates and graphics that can help you add variations to your website background.
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4. Fluid 960GS Grid System

Fluid 960GS Grid System happens to be a developed CSS framework that came into picture due to the joint efforts of Nathan Smith and the 960GS framework that was developed by him. This particular CSS framework is known to make use of a number of effects from the Mootools JavaScript library. Most importantly, this particular framework assists you in filling up the browser irrespective of the size of your monitor. Above all, you can save a lot of time with the Fluid 960GS Grid System.
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5. Typogridphy

Typogridphy happens to be yet another CSS framework that is developing taking influence from the 960GS framework. The best part about this particular CSS framework is that it allows website developers to code and create a wide spectrum of grid layouts to choose from. These grid layouts that are created using the Typogridphy framework are highly versatile and good-looking. You can make use of this framework either for commercial or personal use and that also absolutely free of cost.
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6. Tripoli

Unlike the above mentioned CSS frameworks, Tripoli is more of a CSS standard that plays a critical role in representing the HTML elements. Moreover, this particular CSS standard is known for resetting the default browsers and continuing the work on them smoothly and silently. Above all, with the help of Tripoli you will be in a position to come up with animated layouts without having to make any changes in the coding typography.
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7. Blueprint


Blueprint refers to a CSS framework that plays an essential role in helping you develop a good deal of typographic grids. Moreover, with the help of this particular framework you can cut down a lot of time that is otherwise required for CSS development. In addition, another benefit that is made available by the Blueprint CSS framework is that it can reset all the default styles of your browser together. Blueprint stands out mainly for its bang on grid generator that allows you to build frames that are in sync with your width size.
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8. BlueTrip

BlueTrip is yet another sophisticated CSS framework that is a result of a spot on combination of three high-end frameworks that include 960GS, Tripoli as well as Blueprint. Moreover, BlueTrip CSS framework is known to provide you with a vast assortment of layouts. Similarly, BlueTrip CSS framework tends to offer you with a universal approach of building your website.
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YAML is a CSS framework that is popularly known as Yet Another Multicolumn Layout. The best part about this particular CSS framework is that it is perfectly compatible with almost all the browsers that are operative in today’s date. Apart from this, the developer of YAML Dirk Jesse has come up with this framework keeping into mind the web standards. In addition, this CSS framework comes complete with a YAML Builder.
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10. jQuery Ui

jQuery Ui comes across as a CSS framework that is designed with a view to amend the way by which you write a JavaScript. Most importantly, this particular CSS framework is known for being quick and compact. In addition, this particular CSS framework can help you in event handling, animating and so also HTML document traversing. If you decide to use jQuery Ui, then in that case you enjoy the freedom of not just creating buttons, but also selecting as many buttons as you like at one and the same time.
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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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