HomeTechWeb NewsSetup Your Own Image Hosting Site with ImageNuke

Setup Your Own Image Hosting Site with ImageNuke

Have you ever felt like having an image sharing site like Flickr or Photobucket? If you have and wondered how that will be possible, then you will be happy after reading this piece of writing. This writing is about ImageNuke, the image hosting platform. With the help of this platform, you will be able to write your own image hosting script and you will get your very own image sharing site. With the help of this site, you will be able to share your photos with the rest f the world. If you do not want that, then at least you can share the photos with the people who are in them.

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ImageNuke is the platform which is based on the open source technology and that is one of the biggest benefits of the software. Just like any other open source platform, you will be allowed to customize this one also according to your choice and your requirements. ImageNuke is not like any other software which comes with own layout and will only allow you to share. With this software, you will have the complete freedom and the site you will create will be complete your own site. You can create your own gallery and put the photos you want to share with the rest of the world.

Along with that, you can have all your photos sorted in album which will make the process easy and more convenient. You can decide about the layout and the script to be used in your own website and if you can share really interesting and good quality photo, you will be able to make your site as popular as the other famous photo sharing sites. If you want, you can share any kind of photos. There is no need to make them technically and aesthetically interesting and appealing. You can just share the joy of a family gathering or the wedding of a friend and such simple things.

With ImageNuke, simplicity will be one of the most important things. It will help you to get the best shot ay photo sharing. In this context, you need to remember another important thing, when you are sharing your photos with the rest of the world; you cannot be too sure about the people who will view the photos. They may have bad intentions and that can harm you and yours near ones. So, make the security tight. It is true that with open source platforms, it is not possible to maintain high amount of security, but ImageNuke will change this concept.

You will be allowed to keep your photos safe and secure. Along with that ImageNuke will let your image hosting be completely customized. All you need to do is to download and install the software and you are good to go. After that you need to work on the lay out and the script, but the rest of the process will be easy, simple and free of cost. There will be no need to get involved into complicated and extensive procedure or hire some professionals to do the job. You can do it yourself. So, there will be a sense of owning the site and you won’t have to spend a lot of money.

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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