HomeBlogTop 10 New WordPress Plugins For 2012

Top 10 New WordPress Plugins For 2012

Are you looking for the best WordPress plugins available? It can be hard to find the ones you need. There are literally thousands of plugins, and more are created every day. We have taken the hard work out of finding useful plugins. After scouring the web we have found many of the top plugins.

Content Timeline

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This is a great plugin for displaying your content in a unique way. Instead of the old format of post after post you can have a more engaging design for your content. You can customize it anyway you choose. Therefore, one can say that this Plugin is perfect for getting just the right look for your blog.
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/timeline-verite-shortcode/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

WordPress Social Share Buttons

You have probably seen this plugin used on many blogs. If you are looking for an easy way to let your readers share your content this is it. WordPress Social Share Buttons offers a great looking panel that follows your readers as they scroll. It features all your favorite social networks. Perfect for spreading
your blog around the Internet.
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/slick-social-share-buttons/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

Magic Members

If you offer premium content this is an excellent plugin to create a private community. When you install Magic Members you can only let paying customers view your blog. It has tons of features that will turn your ordinary blog into a full featured membership website. One of the most lucrative features of this Plugin is the ability to sell access to your downloads and posts separately.
[button-dark url=”http://www.magicmembers.com/products-page/plugins/magic-members-single-license?affid=368″ target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

Gravity Forms

The need to create forms is very common among people with blogs. Collecting contact information and provide support to your readers are just a few reasons why you might need forms. It can be tricky to set them up. That’s where Gravity Forms comes in. You can quickly create and publish custom forms in just a few minutes using this plugin. You won’t have to pay monthly fees to a form building website once you get this awesome plugin.
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-addons/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

Elegant themes Drag & Drop Plugin

Do you want a totally unique design for your blog? How about a great new design without paying the high prices you expect from a professional designer? You can have all this and more when you use Elegant themes Drag & Drop Plugin. Building a custom website has never been easier. The great part is you never have to mess with HTML or shortcodes while creating your new blog. You use a simple drag and drop interface to do all the work. Isn’t it absolutely mind-blowing that you can unlock all the power of WordPress theme design without programming?
[button-dark url=”http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/theme-releases/introducing-the-elegant-themes-builder” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

Fanciest Author Box

This is a great way to add a personal touch to your blog. Let your readers know more about you with this custom bio box. It will be automatically added to every post you make. It allows your readers to share your content at all the major social networks too. This is undoubtedly one of the best ways to connect with your readers.
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/fancier-author-box/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

WordPress SEO

SEO is a great way to gain more followers. You will have a hard time getting your page SEO’d correctly without a good SEO plugin. WordPress SEO is a great choice. It’s funny how you can provide a search engine with everything it can want without even doing anything.
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

WordPress Post Planner

If you run a multi author blog it can be hard to keep all your authors organized. By using WordPress Post Planner you can easily schedule when posts are due from your authors. You can now keep yourself free of any thoughts or bothering in relation to the cluttered drafts section anymore!
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/schedule-planner/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]


Tired of seeing the same old fonts used all over the internet? Spice up your blog with FontPress. You can totally customize your blog with the fonts that look best to you. And quite amusingly all of this can be done without having to write a single line of code!
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/font/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

Pretty Link

If you run a blog that uses affiliate links this is a great plugin. Pretty Link allows you to make those unsightly affiliate URLS much more user friendly. Instead of a long string of gibberish you will have a tidy URL that comes from your own blog.
[button-dark url=”http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pretty-link/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Download [/button-dark]

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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