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10 Gadgets that Can Save You Money

Saving money is as good as earning it! Luckily, we have several gizmos, gadgets, appliances, and applications that can help us save some money. They are all around us, but we are often unaware of their presence. Let us peek into some of the best gadgets which can help you save some bucks in your pockets.

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concept of expensive energy bill

1. Water Filter

Take the first example of the water filters. If you buy those mineral water bottles, you pay transportation charges, packaging costs, plus the water cost, and profit margin. However, if you buy that water filter; instead you would be recovering the cost within a few months. After all, such filter may cost anywhere between $15 and $50 as of the date, but availing voucher codes during discount seasons you can get even of lesser cost.

2. Motion Sensor

Another fascinating and essential gadget that people should consider for saving money is the movement or motion sensor, which switches off the lights and other electrical equipments when nobody is around. Most of these sensors facilitate manual intervention, so if you want to huddle up before the television set and not move, you could still keep those lights and fans on. This one will cost approximately $28 or so and savings depend upon the level of usage and neglect in your home.

3. Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostat is becoming more popular because it can reduce those power bills and save you approximately $1000 per year. This gadget may cost anywhere between $50 and $120. You can “program” it to generate more heat or cooling in peak hours, effectively saving money on power costs in other periods of the day.

4. Low Flow Shower-head and Aerators

Water wastage was once difficult to control, but with the arrival of aerators, and shower-heads with low flows, the battle is won. Annual savings from these gadgets can be almost $250. Ironically, a good quality low flow shower-head may cost only $40 or even less, whereas aerators are available for as little as $5.

5. Smartphones

You know that smartphones deserve to be in this list. The GPS application in it tells you where you are located and will give you real-time location updates so that you cannot unnecessarily waste your fuel while daily commuting. Smartphone also provides emailing facility to be in touch with people and saving the cost of traveling. Price comparison tools on it help you to go directly to the cheapest store and you can save the cost of gas used for running from one shop to another. Moreover, for saving money keep an eye on several online deals which offer massive discount on selling smartphones.

6. Coffee Maker

A sophisticated coffee machine is one gadget you can own if you are fond of coffee. It saves you around $2.50 on each cup of coffee that you and your entire family drink from coffee dispensing shops. Your could be saving money for buying a coffee maker by applying voucher codes of leading online stores.

7. Refrigerator

Refrigerator is quite an old gadget which lets you save money by preserving the different food items. Just imagine with refrigerator you can save some of the remaining food stuffs which would be wasted otherwise. You can also save up to 10% on large Kitchen appliances by using Currys Voucher Codes.

8. FoodSaver Vacuum

Food saver vacuuming machine or other alternatives such as Ziplock is necessary because it saves space in your refrigerator while simultaneously ensuring that you can save some of those remaining food stuffs which would be wasted otherwise. Your savings from a machine costing near about $100 could be as high as $600 per year.

9. Computers

The list will be incomplete if we are keeping computers aside. Computers and laptops are the magical gadgets which help you in saving a lot of money in communication, transportation, entertainment and on a lot more things. Furthermore, the best way of saving money with computers is downloading special discount coupons and voucher codes for various items that are present online.

10. Telephone and Cable Alternatives

Contemporary telephone alternatives or additions to telephone services like the VoIP, voice chats, etc., bring down the telephone costs drastically. Similarly, skip those cable bills by opting for media services such as Hulu Plus and NetFlix. The costs will come down to as little as $8 per month, but you can gain access to thousands of TV shows.

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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