HomeTechLearning Hub: Distance Education and Online Learning

Learning Hub: Distance Education and Online Learning

Nowadays, it’s but a common practice to search for someone’s name in social media like Twitter and Facebook or professional online networking sites, the likes of LinkedIn and Google+. It may just be our inherent characteristic to know more about a person, or just our natural tendency to be more drawn to photographs rather than a mere string of words. But when sounds, photos and actions are combined in one media, such as a video, you can definitely trust that the connection between the sender of the information and the receiver is amplified.

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It is for this very reason why technologies such as video chat and video conference has garnered its own nook in business and education as well. Today, videos are more than just your usual side reel. In this era where information is as dynamic as it gets, methods of instruction and education are not just confined to the traditional lecture. Videos render important roles in the education field as it aides in strengthening connections among the mentor, educator and the students as well.

Learning Hub - Distance Education and Online

With the emerging opportunities in more advanced methods of teaching, it is only necessary to ensure that you or your school has the appropriate tools to enable a hassle free discussion. Through the use of technologies such Wowza Media Servers and Red5 media servers, both students and educators are empowered as they each perform their part in the learning process.

1. Accessibility at its Finest

Distance education reaches out to a wider base of students as they may come from different regions, time zones. Real-time class lectures can be conducted. Video streaming may also enhance the discussions as these will be more suitable alternatives for recorded audio interviews.

2. Bridging the Gap in Distance Education

The use of videos in teaching and instruction hold promising results. The video’s potential to build more effective connections can be of great help in distance learning wherein students and educators may be in different parts of the world, and even different time zones. Teachers can use video podcasts to conduct and even record lectures and then share it in class for future reference.

3. Collaborative Efforts

Collaborative opportunities between students and the educators. Chats, video conferencing, screen sharing are only a handful of the interactive features online educations offers. With these, discussions can then be more engaging as students can even produce and share their own video responses in class dialogues.

4. Diversified Learning Platform

Wowza servers ensure that class discussions are broadened. The technology allows live lectures to be broadcasted in real-time, thus student participation is more dynamic and engaging. Lectures can also be pulled out from the archive.

5. Enriched Class discussion

Teachers now have the chance to convey experiences of resource individuals who cannot join the class physically. Forums and symposia can be conducted connecting different time zones. The archived video podcast may also ensure classroom productivity even when class is not in session.

To promote the learning of students, approaches in effective communication must be considered. The use of videos gives a great potential in ensuring both an enjoyable and fruitful learning process.

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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