HomeGadgets5 Gifts for a Tech Geek

5 Gifts for a Tech Geek

Do you have trouble dragging your boyfriend away from his technological toys? Is your girlfriend more interested in jail-breaking her iPhone than receiving flowers? If you’re looking for great gifts that will tear someone’s attention away from their gadgets for just one second, here are five gifts to delight the tech lover in your life.

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5 Gifts for a Tech Geek

1: Hands-Free Light Switches

A simple installation can turn any light switch into a WiFi-enabled electrical outlet controlled by your phone. It’s the 21st century version of a clapper, and it means great things for couples who hate getting out of bed.

2: Mini Tablet

Buying a regular tablet is like buying a laptop; there are too many factors in making a decision to gift it to someone else. A mini tablet, however, is a handheld device that everyone will appreciate no matter what the OS or HD capabilities.

3: Camera

Mirrorless cameras are the future. Polaroids are great for the vintage lover. Twin-lens reflex cameras will provide endless entertainment at parties, and pinhole cameras let astronomy lovers get a closer look at the sun.

4: Exercise Band

Unlike bulky fitness watches, these bands don’t display the time or come with unnecessary adornments. They’re dedicated solely to the electronic monitoring of one’s heart rate, miles logged, steps taken, et cetera.

5: e-Reader

If your friend has a long commute or a lot of downtime between classes, an e-reader is perfect for keeping them entertained while simultaneously decreasing their dependence on their phone. Who will feel like constantly refreshing Facebook when Shakespeare is available?


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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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