HomeBlogTop 10 Platforms for Blogging Online

Top 10 Platforms for Blogging Online

Blogs are ways to express your thoughts and you need to use the blogs to bring out the presence of the company that you are heading. The contents from your side are updated in the sites so that the regular internet users read them and get ideas about the topic discussed. The idea for blogging will help you to find out the resources that you will need for such endeavors. Hosting and development and the launch of blogs are important and you will find such services in free and paid plan from the providers. These are platforms that you can download and use.

Word Press for blogging:

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This has got most advanced service for any bloggers. The features and plug gins are good for the bloggers and this is software that is open source and are free from spams or recent version changes and has got many themes for you to choose from.

Blogetery for its features:

You can also try this one as this is based on the WordPress application and has got modest and interesting features and themes for blogs. The domain mapping and plug gins are good for any new blogger, who is new to the trend.


A free account with this platform will give you access to the themes and plugins that are here. Use the widgets for Twitter and you can also use Flickr if you want to. The premium themes are advanced work of the application and you get a free storage for 2 GB in the starting plan.

Google Blogger is another offer :

The Google is also here to help you with the different themes and features. You can use the Template Designer for changing your blog’s design and it is easy to use too. The feature to set up custom based simple domain is something that you need to pay for in other blog publishers, but here it is free.

TypePad Micro:

The TypePad is also free publishing service for blogs and the interface is customer friendly and easy. The best feature is that you can export or import different contents from other such platforms. They also give you customer support for the paid plans.

Jux will help create your site:

This is another service that helps you to share the contents that you have online. They help you to create different site for micro blogging and sharing your online matters and thoughts in form of content. You can create an account and then start with the sharing and creating and updating the contents. This service has got options for you to add photos and different artwork in your blogging site.

Tumblr for support:

You can use this service also for its interesting and outstanding features, like audio blogging. It has got various themes and you can sync the account with Face Book and Twitter.

Psoterous Space:

This is a blog publishing platform that gives you full control to see what’s on your site and users can post contents without any hassles. The service has got free mobile apps and you can update the blog for Smartphone and Androids.

Weebly is website building guide:

This service gives you more than scope of simple blogging but offers an interface that gives you options for gallery for images, video and audio inclusion and slideshows. The Designer Platform gives you features to help your client with website too.

Drupal.org for content management too:

When you have these excellent features from this service platform, you can thank the creator if you have less technical knowledge and still you want to create blogs.

These services that the different providers offer are for you to work on and to find out which one suits you the best. These platforms give you your first taste of freedom from restrictions to say what you think about a topic in a blog and take the site to the readers to judge you and enjoy the creativity that you have.

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A Computer Applications Geek, hooked on all things pertaining to, intent on delivering you the best in sports.


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