HomeHome ImprovementHow to Clean a Waste Disposal

How to Clean a Waste Disposal

Cleaning waste disposal can help prevent and remove unpleasant odors and some cleaning methods can also help keep kitchen drains clean. When the kitchen sink starts to emit bad smells, it is a sure sign that waste disposal and drains need some cleaning to keep kitchen clean daily.

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How Often Do You Clean up a Waste Disposal

Waste disposal operations are generally good at cleaning up, effectively breaking down food particles and sending them to the drain, leaving the disposal room relatively clean. But over time, smelly slurry tends to accumulate where the grinding action can’t be removed during the process. This is the smooth sloping area of the lower part of the discharge port rubber deflector and the upper part of the mill chamber. Weekly cleaning can keep waste disposal clean. If you don’t have the time for this, you could always hire someone. For example, Phoenix house cleaning companies, or companies near you, might offer this service! Once you get in the routine of getting your waste disposal cleaned, you won’t look back! You can also place smart trash can in your home to keep odor-free.

How to Clean a Waste Disposal

What You Need to Clean a Waste Disposal


  • Kitchen sponge with an abrasive side
  • Dish soap
  • Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar (optional)
  • Ice (optional)
  • Rock salt (optional)
  • Bleach solution (optional)
  • Citrus peel (optional)

How to Clean a Disposal with a Soapy Kitchen Sponge

Turn off the power

Turn off the power to prevent the elimination from being accidentally turned on while you are cleaning, even if your hand should not be near the grinding “teeth” in the lower part of the chamber. Disconnect the disposal from the outlet under the sink, or turn off the disposal switch in the service panel of your switch.

Clean the deflector

Apply dish detergent on an abrasive sponge and rub under the baffle-bottom to remove any wrinkles. Rinse the sponge frequently to remove the entire gunk.

Clean the grinding chamber

Clean the top of the grinding chamber and rinse the sponge frequently. Repeat until the sponge picks up more gunk and the disposal surfaces feel clean.

If you want to take another step to freshen up the disposal and drain the tube a little while you clean the pipe, try one of the following cleaning tips.

Clean the drain (optional)

How to Clean a Disposal with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Household cleaning and cleaning detergent with baking soda and vinegar can help clean the waste disposal chamber and the top of the drain hose.

Add baking soda and vinegar

Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda into the waste disposal, then slowly and carefully pour 1/2 cup of vinegar into the arrangement.

Cover the drain

Place the sink cap over the drain opening. The mixture of baking soda and vinegar will grow like a scientific-class volcano for children (it is the same mixture of “lava”). The sink cap traps the effervescent baking soda inside the disposal.

Wash the disposal

Wait a few minutes and then remove the cap and rinse off with hot water. If the sink has two basins, the cleaner will work better if both sides are cleaned at the same time. Use the same amounts of baking soda and vinegar in the other sink.

Repeat (if necessary)

How to Clean a Disposal with Ice and Vinegar or Rock Salt

Ice and rock salt or vinegar are also excellent for cleaning up waste disposal. Ice can scrape the inside of the grinding chamber and remove any build-up.

Add ice

Fill the disposal with ice cubes.

Add salt or vinegar

Pour a cup of salt or vinegar into the arrangement.

Wash the disposal

Dispose of for several seconds with the water activated to grind the ice

Repeat (if necessary)

Suggestions for Deodorization of Waste Disposal

If the disposal is really bad-smelling or if you have tried other detergents and it still has an unpleasant smell, you can use a solution of diluted bleach composed of two parts of hot water and a part of bleach. Do not use more than 1/3 of bleach. Do wear gloves when pouring into the drain. After pouring the bleach solution into the drain, run the hot water into the drain for several seconds.

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