HomeBlogFacebook Privacy- A Must Know For All Facebook Users

Facebook Privacy- A Must Know For All Facebook Users

Facebook is a leading social networking podium where we can connect with our bosom friends, enhance professional links, shuttle messages and post about our daily life buzz alongside. Facebook has a huge amount of our personal and professional information, that we just can’t afford to lose or get exposed publicly.

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But everything that we share on Facebook is exposed to a severe vulnerability. We are fighting a never-ending battle against the cyber attack as the internet wolves feed their nefarious intentions on the information that we post on our Facebook account. Facebook has all kinds of the user across the globe, with different languages, cultures, and intentions. Many of the Facebook conversations have turned life-threatening.

Fret not! Facebook is endowed with numerous options to secure accounts from getting exposed to these vulnerabilities. It is wise to take preventive steps in order to secure your account and its information before it is too late.

facebook privacey concern

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The main Facebook privacy options

The various privacy options with Facebook help you hide your information from the undesired persons and strangers, limit the ways by which one can contact you.
The main options are as follows-
• Who can see my stuff?
• Who can contact me?
• Who can look me up?

With these options, you can acquire the innumerable benefits of Facebook. Let’s see how they serve to make Facebook a safe and trouble-free haunt.

Who Can See My Stuff?

In this category of privacy policing, one can set the privacy of the following Facebook issues-

• Who can see your future posts?

It helps you to manage the privacy of the stuff, that you share with the help of audience selector located just below the post. The setting will remain the same for your future posts unless you change it.

The main settings you can switch to-
Public- Anyone on Facebook
Friends- People in your friend list
Friends except- With this option, you can add the names of the Facebook friends, you don’t want to see your post
Specific friends- With this option, you can add the names of the person, you wish to see your posts
Only me- No one except you will be able to see your post
Custom- With this option, you can add the names of the person you want to see your post and remove the names alongside, you don’t want to see your posts.

• Who can see your friends list?
This will help you to hide or show your Facebook friend list to the specific friends. If you want, you can hide it from everyone. But, it is not possible to hide your friend list completely due to the two main reasons.
1- Your friends will be able to see the mutual friends in your list
2- One can see you in the friend list of a person, who has set his friend list to Public.

• Review all your posts and things you’re tagged in
You can use activity log section to see who has tagged you in their posts and if you find a post irrelevant or offensive, you can use Remove Tag option to eliminate the undesired tag.

• Limit the audience for posts you have shared with friends of friends or public?
This privacy tool will enable you to limit your post to the friends only. But those people, who are tagged in the post, still able to see it. You can change the audience for your post individually.

Who can contact me?

In this section, you have only one thing to look after and that is-
• Who can send you friend requests?
This tool offers two options to switch-
– Friends of friends

The efficacy of this privacy is not much significant, as one can send you the friend request by adding one of your Facebook friends.

Who can look me up?

In this category, you can limit the ways or people, to search you on Facebook.
• Who can look you up using the email address you provided?
You can set this up as per your convenience with three main options and those are-
– Friends of friends
– Friends

Who can look you up using the phone number you provided?

Again, this option will enable you to limit the person, who can look you with the help of the number you have provided in your Facebook account. You can reduce or increase the audience for this as-
– Friends of friends
– Friends

Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?

When you on this setting for your Facebook account, search engines may link to your profiles in their results. If you wish to turn this setting off, it will stop linking to your Facebook profile, but it may take some time to fix. You can adjust the settings as per your comfort.

This Is all what, you can do with the privacy settings of your Facebook account, but Facebook has seamless options to maintain your account secure or fix it back to the normal if something went wrong. Hope this piece of information is effective.
Hovering privacy threats cannot be seen, but can be prevented by keeping eyes on the ball!!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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