HomeResourcesBest Magento SEO Extensions for the Improvement of E-commerce Website Visibility

Best Magento SEO Extensions for the Improvement of E-commerce Website Visibility

Due to the people’s rapidly increasing tendency to buy products and services online, a number of small and big E-commerce websites have surfaced. Their owners depend on SEO professionals to boost the ranking of websites on the web and get more business opportunities from interested online shoppers.

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Owning to the cut-throat competition in the E-commerce world, digital marketing professionals are under huge pressure to boost the performance of E-commerce websites. Always keep in mind that the visibility of E-commerce websites on the web depends on the quality of SEO done by the digital marketing professionals. It is very difficult for any SEO person to launch digital marketing campaigns on time and meet the ambitious goals set by the company owners.

A lot of E-commerce websites are built with Magento. Fortunately, Magento offers a number of free and premium SEO extensions. Digital marketing professionals can use those extensions to automate their SEO activities, perform several tasks in a short span of time and boost the performance of websites.

Here are the 10 Magento SEO Extensions that should be used by every SEO professional.

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1. SEO All In One

seo all in one
This extension is the real pal of all those SEO professionals who optimise Magento E-commerce websites for higher visibility on the web. With this useful extension, they can perform different SEO activities swiftly and produce marvellous results. It also helps them to combat the problem of content duplication. It supports layered navigation and displays the Structured Data to search engines in a much better way, which gives you SEO benefits.
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2. URL Rewrites Optimization

url rewrite
Google doesn’t prefer default URLs generated by the Content Management Systems. Actually, it doesn’t want to waste its precious time to evaluate long and messy URLs when it has to choose websites or web pages for showing them in search results. So, it becomes mandatory for SEO professionals to optimise the website URLs and make them search engine and people friendly. They can use this extension to beautify URLs in an easy way and help their websites or web pages to appear prominently in the SERP of Google.
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3. Blog

If you want to gain success in the Ecommerce business, you need to change even the half-hearted online shopper into a loyal premium customer and capitalize all business opportunities coming from them. For this, you need to communicate with customers on a regular basis and answer their questions ASAP. Just use this extension to install a blog on your Magento store and start publishing user-centric content regularly. You will be able to generate high-quality traffic to your E-store, boost its ranking on all leading search engines and gain more chances for sales and lead generation.
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4. SEO Friendly Images

seo friendly images
Images are widely used on E-commerce websites to let visitors have a glimpse of the products they are going to buy and make smart buying decisions. With this extension, you can automatically perform the image optimisation and make images SEO friendly in an easy way. Thus, search engines will be able to read the message of the image contents and give you its SEO benefits sooner or later.
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5. XML Google Sitemap

xml google sitemap
An XML sitemap is created for search engine bots. It allows them to know which pages of a website are ready for indexing. You need to have a lot of technical expertise to create an XML sitemap for your E-commerce website. Just use this extension to create an XML sitemap within a few minutes. It makes your shopping store Google friendly and helps you to improve its ranking on the web with fasting indexing.
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6. POWr Social Feed

power social feed
Different social media channels play an important role in website promotion and creation of sales. With this extension, you can easily display social media accounts on your website in one gallery and encourage people to share your website posts on different social media channels. The more they share your posts, the more business opportunities come in your way sooner or later.
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7. 404 Error Logger

404 error logger
In simple words, 404 URLs are non-existing web pages. When visitors browse such pages, they get nothing. If your website has too many 404 URLs, its credibility is diminished in the eyes of visitors. Even Google considers such websites unimportant for visitors. As a result, their ranking is negatively affected. So, you can use this extension to abolish the 404-error problem on your E-commerce website. It automatically traces 404 pages and gives you instant notifications about them. You can eliminate 404 pages easily in consultation with SEO professionals.
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8. Remarkety Email Marketing Automation

remarkety Email Marketing Automation
It is often said that Email marketing is the backbone of the E-commerce business. It helps entrepreneurs to advertise their products to the existing and new customers with a low investment and generate business opportunities. Performing different activities of Email marketing at all the times and maintaining consistency in it is almost impossible if you do your task manually. Just use this extension to automate your Email Marketing activities and gain more business opportunities.
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9. Advanced Content Manager 2

advanced content manager 2
To gain the desired success in a web-based business, content management is the task that needs to be done regularly and carefully at all the times. The shortage of SEO-optimised and unique content is a major problem for most companies. With the help of this extension, you can easily create different types of high-quality content and maintain consistency in content marketing, helping you to catch the attention of visitors and sell your products in maximum numbers.
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10. Yotpo Reviews

Product reviews and feedback play a great role in the E-commerce business. Good reviews motivate customers to buy more products and bad reviews repel them away from E-commerce websites. You can use this extension to get customer reviews and use them for your benefits. With its help, you can easily collect user-generated content and use them in your marketing efforts to improve the customer experience with your E-commerce brand.
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Final Remarks

These are the top 10 Magento SEO Extensions. SEO professionals can use them to automate the different activities of digital marketing campaigns, boost the overall ranking of E-commerce websites and sell products in bulk every day.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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