HomeBusiness8 Critical Security Measures Every Business Needs to Implement

8 Critical Security Measures Every Business Needs to Implement

According to studies, data is breached every 56 seconds. Pair this with the potential threat of physical security breaches, and it’s clear that you need to take some measures to keep your business safe. You need to take a 2018 approach to safeguard your business so that you’re protected against all threats. Below, we’ll dive into some security measures every business needs to implement.

Install an Alarm For the Best Security Measures

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No matter how advanced and sophisticated we get as a society, you still can’t go wrong with tried and true security measures.

In this regard, looking into buying an alarm system can be a great idea.

When you buy a security alarm, you can prevent people from breaking in and stealing or vandalizing your property. Since there are so many different security options in front of you, start by figuring out what sort of budget you can work with.

Buying a security system can cost you about $1,000 or so, depending on the features you are looking for. The more work that you put into shopping for one of these systems, the easier it’ll be to match up with the best features and the ideal price.

Protect Your Data

Physical property aside, make sure you do what you can to protect your data. Data breaches leave your company and clients at risk.

Look into the various encryption features, cloud-based servers and other measures that will keep your information intact. You should continuously change your passwords so that they’re difficult to guess.

Buy the best software and hardware available and continuously make upgrades. This way, you’re less likely to have data breaches and won’t have to stress whether or not your information is being made available to the public.

It’s crucial that you also protect the information of your customers so that you don’t have to deal with the liability risks that come with the territory.

Look Into Video Surveillance

Take some time to invest in a video surveillance package that will be helpful to you.

Having video surveillance means that you’re able to compile evidence in case someone encroaches on your property and creates problems. When shopping for a video surveillance system, make sure that you invest in the camera systems that have the best resolution.

Make sure to shop for hard drive space and cloud storage as well, so that you’re able to create video archives. When you have access to these archives in a neat and orderly manner, you can pull video from any date or time that you need.

Investing in a video surveillance system can cost you about $200 per camera, so make sure that you keep shopping until you find a deal that works best for you. This investment goes a long way for your business endeavors.

Hire a Professional Security Guard

Nothing says peace of mind like having security onsite.

You can buy the services of any sort of security guard you would like — whether you want someone to simply keep track of activity, or to be armed and ready to take action.

For best results, look into the pedigree of any security guard that you hire. You can use GoLookUp to run background checks on anyone you are desiring to hire.

Keep Your Locks and Doors Secure

Get your locks and doors checked every year to make sure they’re still at their best. Locks are still some of the best security measures available.

Stay on top of changing these locks when they get old or if you have a lot of turnover in your company. You can also invest in digital access control systems that use key cards or codes to grant access in and out of your building.

Maintain a Log of Entry and Exits

Monitoring the traffic in and out of your building is one of the best security measures you can take.

You can install a digital system that lets you know anytime someone accesses your doors. By using a key card system, you can also have an accurate log of which employees are accessing your doors, complete with logs of dates, times and other issues.

Train Your Personnel

Lay out some practices and policies for your personnel, and get everyone on board. This includes everything from safety rules to an emergency plan.

By having these policies in writing, you’ll be better able to pass on this information and keep your employees aware and in the loop.

Since the culture of safety trickles down from the top, you’ll get a lot out of having these security measures in place.

Reach Out to Us for the Best Tech and Gadgets

Now that you know the best security measures available, you’ll want to start shopping for some tech to go with it.

Thankfully, our company has everything you need. Visit our site so that you can learn more about the tech and gadgets that will take your business to another level.

If you have any questions, get in touch with us for more information.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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