HomeBlogHere's How Your Voicemail Recording is Actually Hurting Your Business

Here’s How Your Voicemail Recording is Actually Hurting Your Business

How much do you care about your voicemail?

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Seriously, think about it. Do you spend time on your voicemail recording to sound as professional as possible, or does it sound like something that was recorded off of a 90’s Nokia phone (no offense to Nokia)?

Voice Mail words in white 3d letters on a telephone to illustrate a recorded message or greeting
Voice Mail words in white 3d letters on a telephone to illustrate a recorded message or greeting

It’s true that with the advancements in technology, there’s a wide range of options for potential clients to get in touch with you. However, it’s fact that phones are still the main way for someone to reach your office.

If you’re out and about, or on a temporary leave of absence, then all that’s left for your customers to here is your voicemail – and if your voicemail sounds horrendous, you may have just lost yourself some good leads.

So how can such a problem be fixed? The answer is actually a lot easier than you think.

How to Fix Your Voicemail Recording to Sound like the Boss You Actually Are

Fixing your voicemail is a simple problem, and there are a ton of ways you can do it. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts that you should keep an eye on. read on to find out how it’s done.

Don’t Have a Busy Signal

There is nothing more annoying than trying to get through to someone only to hear a busy signal on the other end.

Not only is that not professional, but it also doesn’t make sense.

Your potential clients are calling you to get information. Even if all they get is a voicemail, it’s still something that they can use to learn about you and your business, and they can also leave a callback number for you to get back to them.

If all you have is a busy signal, they – and you – lose out on all of that.

You own a business, and you have to show as such. Have a voicemail service is key to showing the customer as such.

Do Keep the Voicemail up to Date

One thing that you need to do with your voicemail is to constantly update it.

Having the voicemail that you made when you first started your business makes you look like you’re still a startup.

When people hear your voicemail, they can make out things like your confidence, your experience, and your general know-how about the business. Each year you work in your company is another year you’ve gained in all three of these.

It also makes you sound like you’re keeping up with the times, which adds another feather to your cap.

Don’t Have a Voicemail That’s Reserved for Your Family

If your customers reach your voicemail and it sounds like a failed attempt at The Nutty Professor, you are doing something very wrong.

This, of course, shouldn’t be the case with your actual business phone (at least, we really hope so) but if you give potential customers the option to reach you by cell phone, you can’t have them hearing something that unprofessional.

This leaves you with two options: Either you change your personal voicemail to make it sound professional, or you can have both a business and a personal voicemail.

The second option most likely won’t be a stock feature on your cell phone, but there are certain programs that you can use to make that happen.

Do Use Other People in the Group

Okay, this sounds a little rude, but hear us out.

Having a voicemail is a great feature, and you should always strive to have the best one possible. However, if you really want to help your customers, you can use a technique known as sequential ring hunting.

This is fantastic if you have multiple people

If a customer calls one line and no one is available to pick up, the program switches over automatically to the next available phone number. That employee would them be able to answer the call.

If there’s no one available on the second number, the program will switch over to the third, and so on (although hopefully, it won’t take that long).

With this method, you’re much more likely to answer the customer’s call, which means more earnings in your pocket.

Do Have Voicemails Forwarded in an Email

You’re probably wondering, “Voicemails in an email? You can do that?”

Why, yes. Yes, you can.

There are a number of voice providers that offer this amazing feature, and you should definitely get in on it.

When a potential customer leaves their voicemail, there’s a pretty good chance you won’t check it right away. In fact, you may not even forget to get to it at all.

This leaves a bad taste in the client’s mouth, and you get the label of giving bad business.

However, even though you may not check your voicemails as often as you should, there are platforms you do look at quite a bit: email and texting.

If the client sends you a voicemail through your business phone, your voice provider can have it directly sent to your email in text form.

Moreover, if it has been sent to your cell phone, you can have the voicemail appear as a text message that comes directly to you.

Both options allow the customer’s message to come straight to you, so you can get back to them ASAP.

Looking to step up your phone service game? Why not check out the guys at AnswerFirst? They specialize in 24/7 customer service and come with an inbound call center and a virtual receptionist, so your phone skills are always at their best.

We Make Sure to Keep You in the Know

Now you know how to make an awesome voicemail recording. Why not learn other tips that could make your business even better?

At Skytech Geek, we know everything there is to know about the tech side of life. Check out our page to learn about web design, business financing, WordPress themes, and so much more.

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Well, what are you waiting for? We look forward to hearing from you.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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