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Who Will Win the Social Network Battle | Facebook or Google +

Google the Net Conquering Hero but the Defeated Contender of the social network game has launched their new social networking service called Google + on Tuesday, to give its rivaling competitors : Twitter & Facebook a run for their money.

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Google’s senior vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra said :

“Online sharing is awkward, even broken and we aim to fix it”.

Currently Google + is available at plus.google.com and its currently being tested by a small number of people , or is available through invitation only. But Google said it won’t take any longer and project will be available for everyone.

Facebook always has been criticized that their updates are shared with one’s entire friends list , unless a user has gone through a complex process of creating separate Facebook groups or lists .

Features of Google +

1 Circles:

Google + is providing and assisting users to make their own group and they can share their photogprahs, images, videos and their thoughts among their friends, their stuff will not be shown to the other friends of the circles.
2 Instant Upload:

Photos and videos can be uploaded and shared among Circles using the instant uploading feature.

3 Huddle:

Sometimes its annoying having to talk with more than 3 to 4 people at a time, therefore Google + provides huddles where users can simply create a group and begin chatting with each other within that group.

4 Sparks:

Sparks delivers content such as : videos and articles from the web to its users in their feeds and queries in determining what type of content users search for and thus provides that partiular content to the user.

5 Hangout:

The most special and unique feature which separates Google + to its competitor Facebook is Hangout where friends can Video Chat with each other.


Google + has to a great extent created most of the features of Facebook what differentiates Google + from Facebook is the little unique feature of video chat amongst users. Facebook doesn’t have the facility of video conferencing for its users but, Facebook has good and close relations to Microsoft, who just tied up its Skype desktop software for its Facebook services.

This is just a small step on Google part, and may have somewhat of catching up to do in comparison to its Social Network predecessors when Google lost the race while competing with Facebook with their version of Orkut. Google + simply is now entering the race somewhat late in the game , however we choose to believe that it will come out winning over its predecessors on blackjack news and many fronts if they continue making stellar strides within their features and development.

Although Google may be the king of the internet search, it failed to make its impact regarding social networking , as Facebook has amassed nearly 700 million users and twitter with 200 million users. Google doesn’t send people to Facebook and vice versa and both companies are vying to be the King of Social Network arena.

However, the conditions and circumstances are in favor of Facebook at the moment and Google + has to leap through a few hurdles in order to catch up with Facebook and if Google+ wants to beat Facebook it has to incorporate and introduce new features over its competitors.
Vic Gundotra (Sr. VP, Google (engineering)) said :

” We’d like to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software. We want to make Google better by including you, your relationships and your interests. Not all relationships are created equal. So in life we share one thing with college buddies, another with parents and almost nothing with our boss. The problem is that today’s online services turn friendship into fast food – wrapping everyone in friend paper – and sharing really suffers.”

No truer words spoken 😉

What Statistics Show

Statistics show that as of May 2011, 180 million users visited Google powered sites, such as YouTube, Versus whilst 157.2 million users visited Facebook, according to stats. However , Facebook users looked at 103 billion pages and spent an average of 375 minutes on the site, while Google users viewed 46.3 billion pages and spent an average of 231 minutes on the given site . It is clearly visible that , The Race to be Top Industry Dog in the Social Arena has now begun .

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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