HomeBlogLaunching A New Blog? Pay Attention !

Launching A New Blog? Pay Attention !

What is Blogging? Blogging is a way of conveying one’s thoughts to a wider audience via the Internet. Nowadays blogging is not an arduous task, anyone can begin a blog, write articles and relay their thoughts in written form. There are two types of blogging: one is pro blogging, where bloggers give those things to their audience which they want to see, and the second is bloggers who write for their personal satisfaction.
Blogging has become the new ‘online- money-making-medium‘ by which bloggers can earn money. Most online-users are pro bloggers and have managed to create a good reputation within the blogger sphere and have also gone on to generating a substantial income from it. Blogging doesn’t require that a user possess a Masters Degree nor the brain of a rocket scientist; if one can write – then the endeavor shouldn’t have to be a burdensome undertaking. One simply needs to possess some insight into the rules of the ‘ game ‘ (as with any game ), and to follow those defined rules in order to achieve the success they seek. In today’s article, we will attempt to define five basic principles pertaining to the rules of blogging and what a novice user needs to know prior to creating or launching their blog.

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Most users contemplate the Design or Theme of their blog / site when they first embark upon blogging, and tend to sidestep one of the most fundamental aspects of what ‘ blogging ‘ is actually centered on : CONTENT.
Content, can encompass just about anything – from media, text, etc., but what is pertinent to your overall ‘ content ‘ is the manner by which you choose to define it and categorize it. Within this sense, one of the key factors prior to embarking upon creating a Blog, is : knowing your ‘ Niche ‘ [ or : subject, topic, category ] which you want to write about, so that you may steer your user-audience within that particular direction.
Once a user has decided upon a selected topic [ Niche ] of which they wish to write about and share with an audience, they must ensure that the quality of their content is accurate, well researched, and that credit for its info-source is given to its respective authors / creators.


The latest trend in today’s market is Promotions. Every big brand is endorsing their products and hiring some familiar or famous faces to endorse their product. However, the Blogging world has somewhat of a different approach, it doesn’t have any chicks or famous faces to endorse articles. A term called SMO (social media optimization) is associated with blogging which means article promotions. Like every brand, an article should be promoted in order to gain some good response or feedback from the targeted audience.
The Blogging world provides many social bookmarking websites where an article (Website, Blog) can be promoted. Amongst all of them there are few good social bookmarking websites where an article can be promoted like Digg, Reddit, Stumble Upon, Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, D Zone etc.
Every Blogger needs to be familiar with these sites, their functionality, their traffic range etc. In order to get article popular on these websites, a user needs a profile on these websites, try to create a time schedule, spend some time on these sites to get good feedback and possibly a dedicated following.

3. How to increase the number of IM friends

Promotion is not possible without the involvement of Friends. Novice bloggers need to make profiles on social networking sites such as Face book, Twitter, My Space, LinkedIn and many more. After creating profiles on these networks one needs to search and connect with users who share similar interests; the best way to find such users is to search for people who write blogs, or promote articles, and add them to your friends list.
Bloggers can add people to their Gmail chat list in order to get votes, which is the best way for promoting article. Following steps are crucial for bloggers and promoters.

    · Ask people to add your id in their status.
    · Never refuse anyone in order to save links, try to give good response.
    · Try to save people’s link as soon as possible.
    · Try to establish a good reputable profile image and try to connect with your IM friends.
    · Always search for friends’ ids who can prove themselves reliable.
    · Novice bloggers need to spend at least 3 hours for promotions.

4. Amass Your Weapons

Most newbie bloggers start blogging without knowing the basic fundamentals of blogging. Bloggers need to surf the web in order to keep track of good blog sites, their writing skills, their resources, basic techniques. Try to pick up new ideas and utilize new concepts from these sites, try to observe the basic fundamentals which will enable you to surge forward.
Users need to follow popular sites, keep track of those sites, how they work, their concepts, their resources, strategies and the writing skills of the authors of those sites. Blogging demands time, commitment, and passion in order to produce quality content which is : KING.

5. Be Aware Of Some Basic Fundamentals

Page Rank plays a crucial role in blogging, and it attracts advertisers. If a blog has good Google page rank it can attract the attention of advertisers and earn good money. Bloggers need to write good quality articles with strong content, words should have a uniqueness in order to get Google page rank because Google keeps track of every single word which is used in an article.

Users need to think of a good unique, and weird TITLE related to the article which will get the attention of visitors.

Link Building every blogger should be aware of this term which gets back links from higher page ranking sites and it helps improve your site page rank as well. Try to find sites which possess good page rank because it will help you gain more back links after you start blogging. Continue commenting on such sites in order to attract user attention as well as back links which will help you attain a higher Google page rank of your own.

Guest Posting is another good way to interact with other bloggers and users can gain exposure via Guest Posts. Guest Posting not only brings the traffic from the sites on which it has been written but it also gets many back links from the site where one has co-authored. Guest Authoring enables one to gain more exposure within the blogging community and it aids in building a solid reputation within the bloggersphere.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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