HomeSocial MediaFacebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

Facebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

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Since the launch of Google Plus the buzz across the vestiges of cyberspace centralized over the lack of privacy issues related to the social network giant Facebook.

Google Plus welcomed over 10 million registered users within a two week time frame, which also allowed those registered GMail users to invite their friends, and contacts and to allocate them into groups, thus offering fine tuned privacy controls as a key advantage in comparison to their comeptitor ( Facebook ).

Facebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

Facebook has rebuttled with a few new privacy features and lots of updates geared towards User Privacy laws thus , allowing its users a ” safety blanket ” when it comes to Security laden issues which were prevalent in the past .

Facebook is making it easier for users to control who sees their information, and these changes will enable over 750 million users to modify their privacy settings; so that whenever they will share information with their online network of friends and peers- their information will not be viewable with anyone other than those whom they have shared it. This puts a new twist on everything, especially where the mighty Web Giant ( Google ) is concerned.

When a Facebook user will upload a picture or photograph and tags or labels their friends, their friends will have option of whether to approve the tags before anything is linked or associated to their personal profiles.

Facebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

How It Works (Privacy Settings)

1. Earlier users could only un-tag theirselves from undesirable photos after being tagged by their friends, however with the new features a new dropdown menu will appear that will allow users to specify the intended audience for each message or photographs users share.

Facebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

2. Facebook provides a new feature which helps users to decide who will see the message and from whom users want to share their post after it has already been posted online.

A special Public Button to preview how a user’s online profile and activities will appear from the perspective of another individual, such as users’ friends, boss or girl friends.

Facebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

3. Facebook users will now be able to tag anyone in a photograph loosening the previous policy in which users could only tag people whom they were friends and know. This will allow users to approve any tags that link to their profiles and it will also enable users to block a specific person from tagging them in photos.

Facebook Rolls out New Privacy Features to Rival Google Plus

4. Facebook has gone even one step further within their updates which includes another new feature that allows users to specify their physical whereabouts of items they share on the network ; such as restaurants mentioned or the geographical location (setting ) of a photo, as well as the location from which they are posting information to Facebook.

Facebook Vice President of Product Chris Cox disclosed the following…

changes had been in the works for months and are intended to address several long standing requests from users rather than matching the competition.
As long as people don’t feel like that part of the tool is awesome, we have work to do in depended of Google or any one
” .

In conclusion , it seems that Mark Zuckerberg has come out swinging like the Kid from Left Field and from the looks of things , it looks that he will be hitting that Homerun in the game between the Social Network Giants and covering all the bases !

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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