HomeBlog8 Most Useful MooTools Plugins For Developers

8 Most Useful MooTools Plugins For Developers

MooTools (My Object-Oriented Tools) is a lightweight, compact, modular, object oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developers. It is written in JavaScript and it is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. MooTools allows users to write powerful and cross browser code with its elegant, well documented and coherent API.
Here at SkyTechGeek we gathered 8 useful MooTools Plugins for developers which will help them to enhance the productivity and creativity of their upcoming and current projects. Developers can use these MooTools in their websites for image sliders, image effects, touch events, can edit with video players and many more.

1. CeraBox – An Alternative Light Box Built On Moo Tools

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8 most useful mootools for developers

CeraBox is the alternative lightbox built on MooTools 1.3, CeraBox can display images, can group the images into different sets, video objects, swf files and it can fetch content via Ajax and it helps users to attach the title tags to images to show some extra information. The most handy feature of CeraBox is it can be set to a fixed size or it can resize itself according to the different sizes of items at the time of loading.

2. MooPlay – Customize HTML5 Video Player

8 most useful mootools plugins for developers

MooPlay enables users to customize their HTML5 video element with JavaScript controls, users can build and customize their own player with Moo Play. Users can customize video elements in several ways such as a play/pause button, rewind and fast forward, a load progress bar, an interactive play progress slider, full page display and many more.
The most useful and great feature of MooPlay is that it enables users to integrate subtitles into the videos which work with Ajax requests and synchronize with the video (it has built in support for .srt and .sub formats)

3. Power Tools For Moo Tools

8 most useful mootools plugins for developers

There are 20+ plugins available in power tools which are created by Christop Pojer( MooTools Core Developer). Users can see the demo and download them one by one.
The plugins includes mouse, click, touch, swipe, click replacements for mobile browsers, auto grow for forms, history supports for Ajax apps and many more. Every plugins comes with documentation and can easily downloadable along with demos.

4. Gradually – Image Slider

8 most useful mootools plugins for developers

Gradually is a simple image slider which displays the images in an effective manner along with the informative text for each image. Gradually offers API, a slide show, and thumbnail gallery using Image Drawer. Along with the images height width and informative text, time interval for the pictures can also be set.

5. Scroll Gallery

8 most useful mootools plugins for developers
Scroll Gallery is beautiful and easy to use free JavaScript gallery with Mootools. The gallery enables users to scroll the pictures horizontally. Currently this plugin only works with images in landscape mode. If users want it to use as in portrait mode, users need to use a landscape PNG with transparent background. Scroll gallery now comes with WordPress plugins as well. One more striking feature is added to scroll gallery is users can set the auto scroll true and thumbs with scroll automatically.
Download/ Demo

6. Nivoo Slider – Image Gallery Transition Effects

8 most useful mootools plugin for developers

Nivoo slider is an image gallery running on Mootools based on Jquery Plugin, it features over 18 different transition effects. Generally it can be helpful for users to create awesome image galleries with 18 different transaction effects. It has several features which enable user to control the speed of animation (time in ms of the transition), autoplay, CSS class, pause on hover, slices and many more, different effects (fade, fold, random) and many more.

7. Louper

8 most useful mootools plugins for developers

Lopuer is simple and nice image zoom class which use real loupe for zooming in any image or picture.

8. CkEditor – MooTools Adapter

8 most useful mootools plugins for developers

CKEditor MooTools adapter provides easy use of basic CKEditor functions and access to internal API. It also integrates some aspects of CKEditor with MooTools Framework. Every element can be converted to working editor. Plugin exposes some of editor’s even to MooTools event system.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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