HomeBlog17 Top Resource Sites for Server Side and Client Side Development

17 Top Resource Sites for Server Side and Client Side Development

17 Top Resource Sites for Server Side and Client Side Coding

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Web development can be defined as a broad term for work involved in developing a web site for the Internet or the World Wide Web or an intranet (a private network). This can include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development.

However, among web professionals, “web development” usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building web sites such as: writing markup and coding. Web Development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, or social network services and ranges in a variety of programming languages such as HTML, PHP, ASP, C#, J#, JSP , Python , Javascript , and many more.

The World Wide Web has become a major delivery platform for web development, a variety of complex and sophisticated enterprise applications in several domains. In addition to their inherent multifaceted functionality, these web applications exhibit complex behavior and place some unique demands on their usability, performance, security and ability to grow and evolve.

However, a vast majority of these applications continue to be developed in an ad-hoc way, contributing to problems of usability, maintainability, quality and reliability. Web Development and the job of a Web developer ( unlike a Web designer ) is never truly done nor ever truly over. Web developers can be equated to Doctors , who are continually required to stay on top of their game and abreast of new and innovative technologies which are emerging every day ( not to say every hour ! ) and in essence they require the right set of tools and resources ( similar to surgeons within this regard ) by which to complete as well as compete within this highly competitive profession.

Here on STG , we conducted a search and managed to gather up several of the best Script related websites offering a wide range of scripts , code snippets, tutorials and various other Web Dev related resources for the expert Web developer as well as the novice who is just getting into the field .

We hope you will find the sites offering their resources satisfactory and suited to your development related needs . If any of you know of any more such sites which you would like to submit here for other users , please feel free to do so, as we are certain there are a multitude of them out there .

Enjoy & Bookmark !

1. Hot Scripts

Hot Scripts
HotScripts is the right destinations for those who are looking scripts for interactivity, Over 1000 categories with myriad of scripts make this site exceptional, valuable and pretty useful for developers. It includes categories like Asp, CFML, ASP.Net, HTML5, PHP, XML, Java, Python, Flash and many more.

2. PHP Junkyard

PHP Junk Yard
PHP Junkyard is most popular scripting and tutorials sites among PHP developers. This site provides PHP scripts for free along with tutorials and third party solutions. The most exceptional feature of this site is that all available scripts on this site are original.

3. The Script Library

The Script Library
The main purpose of this site is to provide free scripts in many languages includi9ng PowerShell, VBScript, JavaScript, Perl, Python and others. There are over 10878 scripts are stored in the database of this site.

4. GScripts

G Scripts
GScripts.Net is a free scripts directory for PHP developers; GScripts contains numerous no. of scripts for developers such as Php forums, Php photo galleries, CMS, Php e-commerce solutions and even many other open source scripts. Every script comes along with its demo so that developers can test them before use.

5. Script Dungeon

Script Dungeon
The Script Dungeon is huge directory which provides free scripts for ASP, PHP, JavaScript, useful tools and utilities for web developers. Script Dungeon chooses the scripts available over internet, which are free and provides them to developers in different categories.

6. CgiScript

Cgi Script
CgiScript was established in 1998, CgiScirpt is full of many scripts like PHP and CGI scripts. They offer both free and premium scripts along with their demos. They also provide Perl snippets, web designs, tutorials etc.

7. Perl Scripts Java Scripts

As name shows this is perfect place for java and Perl scripts, users have to be agree on their terms and conditions before utilizing their scripts, they will send your preferred scripts through email. Every single script is meticulously developed and quality tested and absolutely free.

8. ScriptCopy

Script copy contains numerous no. of helpful Php scripts in their database (directory). The website provides recommended scripts for user’s websites which are popular among other visitors.

9. JavaFile

JavaFile is one stop for free Java Scripts and Java Applets. Java File library contains many type of scripts regarding animation, audio effects, alerts, banners, color picker, image effects, fun games and many more.

10. Script Archive

Script Archieve
It is established in 1995 and offers free CGI scripts to the web community. Script Archive is basically Matt’s Script Archive.

11. Scripts

The script.com is perfect place for developers, they can find over 16000 useful scripts for their projects. If you are looking for Perl, ASP, ASP.Net, Java and PHP then this site is perfect stop for the developers. This site provides a huge collection of scripts within 11 categories.

12. Script Download

Script download
This is another great place to download several useful free scripts; script download library contains over 15000 resources listed in over thousand categories.

13. ScriptGateway

Script Gateway
ScriptGateway offers a huge collection of various web scripts like Perl, PHP, ASP, CGI, JavaScript collected from all around the Internet. Basically this site offers those useful scripts which every webmaster needs for his or her project to overcome the problems.

14. Dynamic Drive

Dynamic Drive is the top place on the net to obtain free, original DHTML & JavaScript to enhance your website.

15. Script Plazza

script Plazaa
Script Plaza can be regarded as the web developers and code-beginners Online Directory when it comes to scripts of every programming language. There are literally thousands of scripts providing everything from C & C++ to PHP , Visual Basic , Ruby On Rails, Python and every other type of script involved to get you on your way to creating your projects

16. Dhtml Goodies

Dhtml Goodies
Dhtml goodies is a library for DHTML and Ajax scripts, its contains numerous no. of useful scripts such as menu scripts, windows scripts, calender scripts, drag and drop, table widgets and many more. Developers will definitely find useful scripts here.

17. DevScripts


DevScripts is a well organized site offering a myriad of dev scripts from ASP.NET, Java , and yes – even Photoshop and over 2000+ Scripts on PHP !
Regardless of your programming language of choice or profession , you will surely find what youre seeking for your web dev related needs on this site .


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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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