HomeDevelopment10 New & Useful Web Apps For October 2011

10 New & Useful Web Apps For October 2011

We got a great round up of web apps for our audience, we explored and tested hundred of web apps and got these useful applications for our audience. This month of selection includes web apps that will help you to manage your projects, another great CMS web application that will help your businesses, bloggers and photographers to create and design exciting websites, an application that will help you to manage your bookmarks and easily store them to your inbox and many more.

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Here at SkyTechGeek always aim to give our audience something distinctive and useful, don’t forget you can also suggest us about new and useful web apps for this month by commenting below or sending us a tweet at @SkyTechGeek, we will love to hear you and your feedback, we hope you will enjoy these web applications.

1. Ace Project

Ace Project
Ace Project is pretty useful and powerful management application that is devoted to control simple and complex projects easily. Ace Project allows users to become a best project manager by providing collaboration-oriented management system. It assigns multiple users to a project and gives unique access to each of them. It offers an impressive range of features for projects such as time tracking, timesheet management, and project cost tracing.
Ace project can also be used as an issue management program, bug tracking software and expense software as well.

The main features of Ace project are project management (New Tab interface is included to deal with multiple projects simultaneously), Document Management that allows users to upload document, assign them to projects and the users on another end can easily access and view these documents according to the given rights, Time Tracking – A timesheet module allows users to enter hours worked on a particular project. And it followed by an approval request, which is handled by project manage to approve or reject submitted hours, finally a time report can be generated in order to track worked hours., HR/Resource Management, Statistics & Reports, and Mobile Access.

Email Notification is the best feature of Ace project which lets users notify with the ongoing activity they are involved in. Also a built-in discussion forum assists users to share thoughts, ideas, issues knowledge to each other.

2. Swfobject

Embed SWF
SWF object is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content, which utilizes one small java script file. SWF offers two optimized Flash Player embed methods; a markup based approach and a method that relies on JavaScript. It offers a JavaScript API that aims to provide a complete tool set for embedding SWF files and retrieving Flash Player related information. It allows users to set all required parameters, even the less used ones like seamlesstabbing or swfliveconnect and outputs the code to be copy pasted quickly.

3. Simple Less – Your Less CSS Compiler

Less is pretty useful open source application which helps designers or programmers to write more efficient and stylish CSS with its dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins operations and functions. As an extent to CSS Less is not only backwards compatible with CSS but the extra features it adds use existing syntax. This makes learning LESS ia breeze and if in doubt lets you fall back to CSS.
Less is a desktop application which is available for both all platform such as Mac, Windows, and Linux. It works simply by drag ‘n’ drop your projects files into the app and getting the CSS output.

4. CometChat

Cometchat is a useful chat application for websites has recently released its new 4th version with new features. Cometchat is PHP-MYSQl powered application that enables users of a particular website to easily communicate and send text messages to each other. Cometchat can be fixed at the footer of a website and enables users to do both text (including group chat)+ video/voice chat. It also allows users to transfer files, and screen sharing.
The new version of Cometchat features Facebook and Gtalk chat support, Android and other mobile platforms generic web app, single link for chat web app(auto-detection), guests functionality, ability to select colors in chat room, report conversation plugin, block user plugin, improved SSL support and many more.

5. Alpha Pun.ch

Transparent images always grab the attention of visitors and give a stunning and different look to a particular site. Alphapun.ch will trace the opaque part of your PNG or Gif images, it will then punch through the alpha channel (the transparent bit), so you can click on things behind it.
Alphapun.ch creates a mask for the opaque part of your pic, along with masks for the clickable content behind it. These masks are placed above the actual image. Clicking a link’s mask will trigger a click on that link.
It works simply by drag ‘n’ drop an image to the loader and an HTML-CSS-Js code is created automatically. AlphaPun.ch is open source application, not good for all images but yet a useful application for many cases.

6. Emailology

Emailology is a web application which guides design and developers to create and design best email designs. Emailology includes email-boilerplate that includes hacks for cross-client compatibility.
A more specific guide tips and tricks that contains tips and tricks categorized to assists each email client. Emailology contains a standard guide that is a list of universally supported HTML and CSS in the most popular email clients. Last but not the least it includes a character conversion feature that allows copy pasting users own code for converting the special characters into HTML entities.


7. GitLab – A Free Project Management & Code Hosting App

GitLab is a free, fast, secure and stable Project/Repository management application built with Ruby on Rails, that enables users to self hosting their projects and access them via a web interface. It is powered by Github-like functionality that allows users to browse source code, issue and comments.
It includes team access and file history features to easily manage and access repository, it includes a chat application that helps members to chat with each other also it has a snippets menu help users to create a collection of re-usable code for finding them easier when needed.

8. Kippt – A New Way To Bookmark & Save Notes

Kippt is a new and elegant application that helps users to manage and save their important bookmark and notes easily on a particular position. Kippt makes it easy to save, organize, search and read information that users find on the web.
The most exceptional feature Kippt is that it allows users to add Kippt to their inbox so that they can easily access their favorite bookmark from their inbox. Kippt is efficiently simple and fast that allows users to drag ‘n’ drop links to lists without adding any tags also it allows users to read long articles in the reader mode, you can add notes to links, use the browser extensions to make it even easier.

9. Tilt : Visulaize Any web Page In 3D

Tilt creates a 3D representation of the document, with the purpose of displaying, understanding and easily analyzing the DOM. It will take advantage of the great tools Firefox has to offer, as it is an extension which contains a WebGl implementation, providing rich user-experience, fun interaction and useful information, while taking full advantage of 3D hardware acceleration, GLSL shaders and what OpenGL ES 2.0 has to offer.

The implementation consists of a Firefox extension containing a 3D representation of a web page, as both a fun visualization tool and a developer-friendly environment for debugging the document’s structure, contents and nesting of the DOM tree. Various information besides the actual contents will be displayed on request, regarding each node’s type, class, id, and other attributes if available. The rendering will be dynamic, in-browser, using WebGL and GLSL shaders.

10. SquareSpace : Hosted CMS For Easily Manageable Websites

Squarespace is a hosted content management system for creating and maintaining beautiful website, blog or portfolio. Anyone who is interested in developing an exciting website can use Squarespace such as Bloggers, Businesses, Photographers and many more.
Squarespace offers number of features to customize and build extraordinary websites such as Social Integration that lets you aggregate data from across your various social networks completely within the Squarespace environment, Squarespace of iOS and Android that lets you build iphone, ipad and Android apps for your site, for your blog and for managing comments, if users have already a blog or website, Square space provides compatible export files for many popular systems , it allows you to know your visitors, beautiful photo galleries, dozens of templates designed style variants from name brand designers and many more.
The exceptional feature of Squarespace is that it allows designer to control multiple websites from the same accounts and there are discount offered for such usage.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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