When one talks about design we can’t over look the importance of Icon. Icon always consider as an important element of impressive and effective web design. Icon represents images, pictures or any representation, thus it covers all aspects of beautiful and impressive web design. An appropriate icon always enhances the beauty of web design and helps particular website to achieve a professional look.
Creating an icon isn’t easy task; it demands lots of endeavors and imagination. Here at SkyTechGeek we conduct a quest and collected these detailed icon tutorials that will certainly inspire designers to create distinctive and more effective icons. With the help of following tutorials our audience will learn a lot trendy techniques and will gain a new experience that will help them to think different in order to achieve a professional web design.
1. Create A Detailed Camera Icon In Photoshop
This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a detailed Fuji X 100 Camera icon in Photoshop.
2. Create a Sweet Donut Icon in Photoshop from Scratch
This tutorial will teach you how to make a sweet and tasty donut icon from an initial sketch.
3. Learn to Create a Padlock Icon in Adobe Photoshop
This tutorial will let you show how to create a realistic padlock icon in Adobe Photoshop.
4. How to Create a Location Map Icon in Photoshop
This tutorial will be using Adobe Photoshop to create a modern map with dropped pin icon.
5. How to Design a Realistic Takeout Coffee Icon
This tutorial will show you how to create a Coffee Icon.
6. Create a Wooden Social Media Icon Quickly with Photoshop
This tutorial will show you a general process for making a wooden, grungy-themed social media icon in Photoshop.
7. Perfect Shine Button or Icon
This tutorial will let you know how to design an awesome button or icon for your application’s GUI.
8. Photoshop Cool Glassy Icon Creation
This tutorial will teach on how to make a cool glassy icon for your website, banners, printout material and more.
9. Create a Google Docs Icon
This guide will walk you through how to create Google Docs Icon.
10. Design a Sleek Google+ Icon
A nice tutorial which will let you know how to create Google Plus icon.
11. How to Create a Battery Icon in Photoshop
This tutorial will show how to draw a battery icon in Photoshop.
12. King Crown Logo Icon in Photoshop
This will show you how to create a beautiful glossy crown icon.
13. Create a Mac Style Icon in Photoshop
Tutorial will let you teach how to create a sweet Mac home style icon.
14. How to Draw a Shopping Bag Icon
This tutorial shows you how to draw a red shopping bag icon.
15. Create an Apple Safari Icon in Photoshop
This tutorial will show you how to create an Apple Safari icon and how to create shapes and use different layer styles to create effects.