[strong-heading url=”#” ]Surrealism : Harnessing Reality//+[/strong-heading]
Prior to the age of computers, photo manipulation was achieved through retouching with ink, paint, double-exposure, piecing photos or negatives together in the darkroom, or scratching Polaroids. Airbrushes were also used, thus the term “airbrushing” for image manipulation.
Photo manipulation is as old as photography itself; contrary to the idea of a photo having inherent verisimilitude. Photo manipulation has been regularly [highlight-yellow]used to deceive or persuade viewers [/highlight-yellow], or for improved story-telling and self-expression. Oftentimes even subtle and discreet changes can have profound impacts on how we interpret or judge a photograph which is why learning when manipulation has occurred is important.
Despite the popularity of digital photo manipulation, darkroom manipulations are [highlight-yellow] regarded as traditional art rather than job related skill[/highlight-yellow]. Techniques are very similar to digital manipulation but they are harder to create than ones which are created digitally. Used as an art form or for commercial use to create more sleek and interesting creative images for advertisements, creative retouching can very well be regarded as [highlight-yellow] photo-manipulation for fashion, beauty or advertising photography.[/highlight-yellow]
One of the most prominent disciplines in creative retouching is image-compositing. Here, the digital artist uses multiple photos to create a single composited image. Today, 3D elements are used more and more to add extra elements or even locations and backgrounds, and a myriad of other elements restricted only in the confines of the imagination.
Photoshopping is slang for the digital editing of photos. The term originates from Adobe Photoshop, which is one of the image editors most commonly used by professionals for this purpose ; however, other programs, such as [highlight-yellow]Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photopaint,Pixelmator, Paint.NET, or GIMP, may be used[/highlight-yellow].
The growing popularity of image manipulation has raised concern within the past 2 decades not to say more , as to whether [highlight-yellow]it allows for unrealistic images to be portrayed to the public[/highlight-yellow]. A practice widely used in the magazine industry, the use of Photoshop on an already subjective photograph, creates a constructed reality for the individual and it can become difficult to differentiate fact from fiction.
With the potential to alter the body image, debate continues as to whether manipulated images, particularly those in magazines, [highlight-yellow]contribute to self-esteem issues in both men and women[/highlight-yellow]. This subject will continue being controversial as long as Photographers and Artists alike continually incorporate digital image editing means within their respective Art Work, the debate will continue to reign both on an artistic scale as well as on an ethical front.
Regardless of the ethical discord, laypersons and art aficionados will continue to want and appreciate the images which are processed and rendered through digital manipulative means. We wanted to present some truly imaginatively created works for your inspiration whether you deem photo-manipulation responsible for self esteem issues or you are simply in it for the Art itself , the artists below seem to have stepped outside of the limits of imagination and have been able to create images which reach beyond reality and border on the outskirts of surrealism immersing us into their magical world.
[toggle title=”Avatar Transformation with Adobe Photoshop CS4″]
1. Identity Crisis
2. The Book
3. Disintegration
4. Glimpse
5. Photographers Rage
6. Chocolate Fiend
7. See No Evil -Speak No Evil
8. Mental Entrapment
9. Universal Mind
10. Mind’s Eye
11. Do You Still Want a Bite
12. Creation
13. Mother Nature
14. The Wall
15. Seeking Redemption
16. Transcendence
17. Osmosis
18. Unleaded
19. Time Machine
20. A Fish Called Wanda
21. Framed in Eternity
[alert-blue]All works depicted & displayed above are the property of their respective Creators.
We do not claim the work featured here as being our own in any way. [/alert-blue]