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Top 10 Business WordPress Themes

[strong-heading url=”#” ] Professional Corporate WordPress Themes//+ [/strong-heading]

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Custom website designs are not precise for each and every industry, particularly for those businesses, which run on a tight budget or in simple words, the ones that are trying to stay as simple as possible.

WordPress is an excellent CMS solution, and there is a huge selection of affordable themes available, particularly designed for business websites. But, the main issue is that finding a good professional theme requires a lot of time, and in turn, you may either end up spending a good deal of money by getting a custom theme designed, or you might opt for a sloppy design for your upcoming business website in the event that you dont wish to invest money for a Theme.

But fret no more – just scroll down and take a look at our collection of the Top 10 WordPress themes geared for businesses.

1. Quantum


Quantum is an animated theme, which helps in bringing your website back to life. This theme is developed by Jimmy Nimon and it is available at a price of $ 49. This theme is packed with various inbuilt features, which include built in icons and much more.
For more information about this theme, check on the developers website.


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2. Leverage


Leverage is one of the stylish themes, which acts as a CMS for your website. This theme provides options customize your color scheme and much more.


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3. deVision


deVision is a multifaceted theme for WordPress, which allows you to create your own business website in minutes. It also helps in displaying your company product with more skilled design without any programming skills.
You can purchase this theme by paying just $39. For more info, follow the link.


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4. Inspire


This is one of the highly functional themes that have a traditional homepage along with a featured area powered by jQuery. This theme is developed by Magnus Jepson and it is available at a price of $ 70.



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5. FullSide


It is a well advanced WordPress theme that comes with rich features, which could easily grace both corporate site and a gallery. This theme helps you to create a separate content slider with specific category.
This theme is available free of cost and you can know more about it by visiting this link.
[button-dark url=”http://www.chimerathemes.com/2010/07/fullside/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Grab Here [/button-dark]



6. BigBiz


BigBiz is meant for those who want an outstanding CMS positioned theme, where you can make use of it to display your services, products, and portfolio.
This theme is designed by David Perel. You will find more information about this theme here.


[button-dark url=”http://www.obox-design.com/themes_page.cfm/theme/bigbiz” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Grab Here [/button-dark]



7. TheProfessional


This is one of the sleek and simple themes designed excluding all the extra features available on the home page. It is designed by elegant themes and makes the visitors to easily understand and navigate throughout the website.
If you wish to use this theme, then you can buy one for just $39. Check out more information about this theme here.


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8. deNovo


deNovo is a specialized business theme that seizures WordPress into a CMS. Controlling tools make it extremely easy to create a top-class website.
One can buy this theme for just $39. For more info about this theme, visit themeshift.


[button-dark url=”http://themeshift.com/denovo/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Grab Here [/button-dark]



9. The Firm


This theme is based on CMS and come with lots of extensive features, which include 2 custom page templates and a design, which is more professional. The designer of this wonderful theme is David Perel; for more info visit Obox Design.


[button-dark url=”http://www.obox-design.com/themes_page.cfm/theme/the-firm” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Grab Here [/button-dark]



10. Organic Theme


The Organic Theme approaches with a selection of options that makes it a perfect theme for multiple purposes. For more info about this theme, go through this website.


[button-dark url=”http://www.organicthemes.com/themes/organic-theme/” target=”_blank” position=”left”] Grab Here [/button-dark]

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Om is a cyber entrepreneur and blogging freak who runs several popular technology blogs, and loves to write about the latest gadgets, cars, and superbikes!


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