HomeBlogHow to Reduce Your Website's Bounce Rate

How to Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate

Who doesn’t want to see his site on top of the Google. But thats the other part of the story, when users hit your website do they hang around your website and surf what you are offering or they just click on another link available on your website which redirects them to another website. Obviously we all want visitors to spend a lot of time on our website rather than redirecting to another website.

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When visitor hit your website and immediately redirects to another website without being gungho about your site this is what we call as a Bounce Rate . If you are affected with a high bounce rate then it indicates that your website is not doing well and it’s not up to visitors expectations.
Bounce rate could be consider as a enemy of a website, a website owner has to overcome such situation, it could be more frustrating and annoying if you have invested large amount of money to build up your site with paid writers, social media promotions and SEO experts, I am sure every one doesn’t want that hard work to squander once the visitors starts hitting your website.

To reduce bounce rate and to keep the momentum going, we have amassed a list of effective tips that can be used to lower your site’s bounce rate and improve your website traffic.

1. Analysis Source of Traffic for Your Website

First and one of the most important step is to deeply analyze different traffic sources of your website. You should deeply study how many visitors are coming through search engine, affiliate campaigns, email marketing, link placements, etc. Above sources can provide you scads of traffic, you have to focus and keep trying your efforts on improving the bounce rates of such traffic sources.

2. Proper Ad Placement

Believe me neither I nor you like looking at advertisements, but for the most websites, advertisements are their backbone, such websites can’t survive without the advertisement. Advertisements are the only medium which provides money to the content providers and site owners. Placing the advertisement is one of the crucial aspect for a website; also mess up of advertisements can be a big turnoff to your visitors. So, place your advertisement properly on your website which don’t cause accidental clicks, which force visitors to redirect from your page undesirably. Also don’t place ads between your articles, and don’t use more than 2 or 3 ads on your website page, it could make your visitors frustrated.

3. Effectively Design Your Landing Page

Landing page can really make differences to your bounce rate, well designed and well placed links and images not only enhances the beauty of the landing page but also attract the visitors to spend more time on your website. Neat and clean navigation, informative contents allows visitors and a good use of few plugins such as top post, recent post, popular posts and best comments are few elements that grab the visitors attention and led them to hit the different parts of your website which helps to reduce the bouncing rate of a website.

4. Have a Responsive Layout for Website

Technology is emerging rapidly and thus number of Smartphone user are increasing, responsive layout is a good option to having specific mobile version of your website. A responsive layout uses techniques, such as CSS media queries, to rearrange and scale content based on screen resolution. If you want to grab the attention of mobile visitors as well, don’t forget to post high-resolution images and stylesheets for retina display. This will make your website easily viewable on the small screens of smarts phone.

5. Don’t Interrupt User’s Experience

Once a visitor hit on your website and start spending time on your website, don’t do anything foolish to interrupt him. Keep the animations minimum and don’t serve any audio or video ads and also try to avoid popups, and disruptive flying advertisements. Always treat your visitor with respect and try to give what they are looking for always write informative contents and good posts that will make your visitors to spend myriad of time on your website.

6. Search Keywords

If you are searching for keywords for better traffic, don’t forget to look at those keywords that correspond to high bounce rates. Buying highly searched keywords could be useless if you are not able to provide what your visitors are looking for.

If you have any other suggestions to curtail the bounce rate, we would love to hear from you, let us know in the comments. We hope following tips might be useful for you and help you to lowering the bounce rate.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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