[strong-heading url=”#” ] Intuitive Web Tools//+ [/strong-heading]
As a web developer or graphic web designer you must certainly be aware and know about the basic tools one requires by which to perform certain web related tasks, especially if you have been in the business for a while.
However, even the most experienced web developers and designers alike, are on the constant lookout for new tools which they can use to make their workflow and web related tasks easier, faster, and better.
From web tools such as displaying Flickr images, to being able to create customized maps, all the way down to being able to create powerful Python Apps, here are the 10 Best Tools for web developers and designers which will make life easier and reduce your task-flow time so you can go out and enjoy life a little more 🙂
Enjoy !
1. FlickrShow : Simple Slideshow for Flickr Images
Flickrshow is a simple JavaScript slideshow application for presenting Flickr images. The application doesn’t require any JavaScript frameworks but, if jQuery is detected, it can function like any other jQuery plugin. It has the ability to display images of a specific user, set, group, gallery and/or tags. The number of images to be shown “per page”, autoplay being on/off, user control being on/off and the interval between each item can all be defined. There are also callbacks on every level (onLoad, onMove, onPause, onPlay) for customizing it more.
[button-dark url=”http://www.flickrshow.co.uk/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
2. Getlist : Open Source Git Repository Viewer with PHP
GitList is an open source PHP application with an elegant interface for enabling anyone to view the repository. It has support for viewing files under different revisions, commit history and diffs. The application uses Twitter Bootstrap for the UI and it is built on top of Silexand the Twig template engine (check other PHP template engines).
[button-dark url=”http://gitlist.org/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
3. TileMill : A Tool for Creating Customized Apps
TileMill is an application (with Windows, Mac and Linux versions) for creating totally-customized and beautiful maps. Normally, working with GIS data is complicated but TileMill simplifies that as much as possible by sharing data between projects, downloading and unzipping shapefiles, autodetecting projections, indexing SQLite databases, etc. to help us focus on the output. It can read from multiple popular data sources and enables us to use any patterns/textures, fonts and images on maps. Also, interactions like hover tooltips or clickable pop-ups can be added to the maps.
[button-dark url=”http://mapbox.com/tilemill/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
4. Ninja IDE : Powerful IDE for Developing Python Apps
NINJA-IDE is an open source and free development tool that focuses on Python developers at first but has support for code highlighting for various languages. It has a handy code locator which enables us to access to any file, function or class inside the projects and a debugger that can highlight static and PEP8 errors in the document. The application allows managing Python Project automatically, saving descriptive information about them and letting the user to perform file management related task in the IDE itself.
[button-dark url=”http://ninja-ide.org/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
5. CSS3Ps : Free Photoshop Plugins
CSS3Ps is a free Photoshop plugin that allows us to convert shapes in a PSD file into CSS3-powered elements. The CSS3 rules for the shapes are created within seconds and presented with the output. It works well with objects in any shape and there is support for gradients. It has support for Photoshop versions starting from CS3 and works by re-directing any conversion requests to the website of the plugin.
[button-dark url=”http://css3ps.com/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
6. Brackets : Web Based Code Editor
Brackets is an open source code editor (IDE), built by Adobe, which iscreated with only client-side web technologies like HTML-CSS and JavaScript. It is integrated with the Chrome’s Developer Tools and JSLint for debugging. The editor focuses on simplicity and, rather than too many panels, the quick-edit UI is the main thing.
[button-dark url=”http://brackets.io/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
7. jqmPhp : HTML Code Generator for jQuery Mobile
jqmPhp is an open source project that aims to simplify using jQuery Mobile with PHP. It is a pack of PHP classes that can generate the HTML outputs which jQuery Mobile is expecting within few lines. The classes are on separate files (with names parallel to the JQM’s features) so you can choose to only use the necessary ones.
[button-dark url=”http://www.jqmphp.com/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
8. Pondasee : Front-End Starter Kit for Ruby Fans
Pondasee is front-end base, created by the developers of Tokokoo, for quickly starting a new web project. It makes use of Compass + Sass and includes styles for handling all major stuff like typography, forms, tables or buttons. The project includes several other well-known resources like HTML5 Boilerplate, Modernizr, jQuery, Normalize.css, Formalize, Selectivizr and more.
[button-dark url=”http://tokokoo.github.com/pondasee/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
9. Browser Based App Type Cast
Typecast is a new browser based app for accurate and standards-based typography on the web. It’s a brand-new tool for designers and art directors that clearly renders your type designs, creates good CSS, and provides you with smooth controls over every detail. You can try and combine over 23,000 web fonts, and compare looks side-by-side. Expand type pairs into fully scaled, kerned, colourised and web-ready stacks of real content using simple visual controls. Make project-wide changes in mere seconds thanks to CSS Styles. No screenshotting. No recaptures. Just iteration at the speed of inspiration.
[button-dark url=”http://beta.typecastapp.com/experiment-with-type” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]
10. Vanity Toolset : A Pack of jQuery Plugins
Vanity Toolset is a set of jQuery plugins, created by Enavu (developers of52framework), to simplify many common tasks of front-end UI development. The toolset currently includes 7 plugins: jSlider, jTabs, jPaginate, jSpotlight, jTip, jPlaceholder, and jCollapse where new ones will be added regularly.
[button-dark url=”http://vanity.enavu.com/” target=”_blank” position=”right”] Source [/button-dark]