HomeDevelopment6 Must Have JavaScript Libraries for November 2012

6 Must Have JavaScript Libraries for November 2012

A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technologies. The primary use of JavaScript is to write functions that are embedded in or included from HTML pages and interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page. Despite the performance limitations inherent to its dynamic nature, the increasing speed of JavaScript engines has made the language a surprisingly feasible compilation target.

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Every month we bring new and recently released JavaScript libraries for our audience, today, We have collected 6 of the latest of these JavaScript libraries for November 2012 to help you enhance your website related tasks and keep your website a step ahead of the competition. We hope you will find a few of the JavaScript libraries below beneficial to your web related needs.

1. Jim Knopf : For Creating Knobs with SVG

Jim Knopf is a JavaScript library for creating SVG-powered knobs. The library doesn’t require any JS frameworks and it comes with various built-in knob types. Knobs created can be scaled completely (thanks to SVG) and their designs can be customized with CSS. Also, they can be controlled with mouse, mousewheel, keyboard or touchpad and options exist for setting the min/max values, starting points and the angles allowed.

2. Numeral.js : Format & Manipulate Numbers

Numeral.js is a standalone JavaScript library that offers simple-to-advanced formatting and manipulation of numbers. It works in the client-side or node.js and can transform any number into currency, percentage, time, plain old numbers with decimal places, etc. And, formatting work both sides, there is also an unformat function to revert formatted values into numbers. There are also functions for math (adding, subtracting, etc.) and creating multilingual abbreviations.

3. Mailcheck.js : Reduce Typos in Email Addresses

Mailcheck.js is a Javascript library and jQuery plugin that suggests a right domain when your users misspell it in an email address. When your user types in “user@hotnail.con”, Mailcheck will suggest “user@hotmail.com”. Mailcheck will offer up suggestions for top level domains too, and suggest “.com” when a user types in “user@hotmail.cmo”. Mailcheck helps reduce typos in email addresses during sign ups. It can reduce the sign up confirmation email bounces by 50%.

4. JavaScript Library Boilerplate

The JavaScript Library Boilerplate helps you roll your own Javascript library with a tiny and robust core base. You can create your own library such as jQuery, Zepto, Prototype, etc, very easy and adding your own methods. The code is written in CoffeeScript, TypeScript and pure JavaScript.

5. Holder.js : Client Side Image

Holder.js renders image placeholders entirely on the client side. It works both online and offline, and offers a chainable API to style and create placeholders with ease. It works both online and offline, and offers a chainable API to style and create placeholders with ease,

6. Pikaday : Standalone JavaScript Datepicker

It is pretty hard to find a simple-yet-functional and good looking datepicker script.
The most popular one is probably the jQuery UI’s picker but it is heavy in size for any project that actually does only need a datepicker. Pikaday is a standalone JavaScript datapicker which is small in size (less than 5kb) and can work well with Moment.js if advanced formatting is needed.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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