HomeBlogUpcoming Best Author Box Plugins for WordPress

Upcoming Best Author Box Plugins for WordPress

Author box has a vital role in WordPress as the same notifies as to who is the author of a particular post. These author box WordPress Plugins have features as widgets, social sharing buttons and author bio depicted in distinct ways.
Below are listed some of the popular Author Bio WordPress Plugins. Read on to know better.

1. Better Author Bio

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Better Author Bio is an innovative WordPress plugin that helps add author bio text in each post automatically. The user can choose the place to showcase it. The links of blog, Facebook , LinkedIn Twitter and Google plus profile can be added on the bio. The same can be done manually or through a short code as author_bio.

2. Fancier Author Blog

As the name indicates, the Fancier Author Blog gives a distinct look to the Author Bio WordPress Plugin. A person looking for promoting their business needs through this WordPress plugin will find the Fancier author blog to be of particular significance.
Each page can be used as a landing page and will help the potential clients connect with you in a better way through this WordPress plugin. Each of your post will stand out and look distinct to your readers if you use this WordPress plugin.
Additionally, ensure that you connect with your readers on multiple levels and read the authors bio. Highlighting the authors bio has an added advantage in the form that users can connect with you through social media sites too.
You can download the plugin from official WordPress plugin directory. The same can be activated through the Plugin menu that is present in the WordPress dashboard.

3. Social Author Bio

Author bio is imperative when it comes to success of any post. Social author bio is an interesting author bio WordPress Plugin that helps add authors bio box along with the avatar of the author. Additionally, it has customized and built in social icons that displays on the pages and posts.
Other innovative features of social author bio WordPress plugin is its integration with Google plus. The Google plus avatar shows up in search results and this helps increase the visibility of your guest post. A custom field is also available on the edit screen that provides the ability to disable the author box on the individual pages.
This WordPress plugin also has the short code facility that displays only the social icons. Additionally, you can adjust the avatar size too. You will also have the choice of location and can display the author bio on the top or bottom side as per your need. The number of custom links have also been increased from five to ten in Social author bio WordPress plugin.

4. Custom About Author

A unique WordPress plugin indeed, custom about author acknowledges the hard efforts put in by the author by displaying their brief biography after the post. As the name indicates, custom about author gives the multiple guest bloggers to showcase their posts on the blog, even if they do not have an individual user account. Information relating to the blogger will be displayed after the post and this gives them an opportunity to showcase their talent.
This can be an added incentive for the blogger to display the talent on your blog and you will be able to make a name for yourself in your niche area as the blog will have creative write ups from talented bloggers.
Users can also create multiple profiles and you can also have customized profiles for each post. Links to social media sites as Facebook, Twitter and You Tube too can be included in the blog posts.

5. Author Bio Widget

This WordPress plugin is unique in the sense that it displays information about the author on the page that is being viewed. A great option for a new blogger who wishes to get noticed and create a name in their niche.
Authors gravatar, bio information and nickname as being used in the post is displayed. Widget settings are unique and include size option for gravatar having a profile picture and a custom title. Authors name also gets linked to blogroll that has been filtered by content created by the same author. The author bio widget can be directly uploaded to the plugin directory. You can activate the plugin through a plugin menu. Widgets can be added through WordPress widgets menu and customized too.
Choose from among the above listed WordPress plugins and make the experience unique for readers of your blog posts.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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