HomeBlogTop 12 Alternatives of Siri

Top 12 Alternatives of Siri

Siri is an extremely popular app which is loved by apple users. The app world was not immune to the astounding popularity of this app and thus there are a lot of other similar apps which were launched. While some of them failed to land the mark; there have been a few that have managed to be successful.

1. Vlingo virtual assistant

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It is like a virtual assistant as all you need to do is speak to it and the app will help you in multi tasking with ease. Although, it is not as efficient as siri and neither so popular, yet non apple users can find solace and comfort in using it. It comes close to being a healthy alternative for siri.

2. Skyvi

This app is very handy when you are traveling to different places and you are so busy driving your car that you barely have time to navigate the maps. So, you can simply give a voice instruction to this app and the entire route would be explained verbally and thus you would be able to carry on with driving and reach the place with ease too.

3. Iris alpha

It is one of those apps that are known to give stiff competition to siri. The app will give you voice instructions for a lot of different tasks as it seeks help directly from the vast internet library and is thus one of the finest siri related apps in the market.

4. Speak to it assistant

This app is so designed that it acts like an assistant. It can help you on a wide range of topics from weather conditions to road directions and even tips on how to do what.

5. Edwin

Speech to speech: it is also an extremely popular app in the market because it can be of help in a lot of different topics. It can tell you details like prices and timing of movie shows, the nearest theater and a lot of other details too. The functioning is very similar to siri and it has a better interface too.

6. Jeannie

It is one of those apps in the android store that works very similar to siri. It relies heavily on Google speech recognition and can thus accomplish a lot of different tasks based on what you ask it to do.

7. Andy

It is different from siri in the sense that it can cover a broad range of information directly from encyclopedia. So, shoot all your questions and the app can come in handy to solve the doubts of your inquisitive mind.

8. EVA Intern

It is a free app for all those who are looking to use something like siri. It relies heavily on text to speech conversion technology as well as voice control facility as well. You can start this app simply by shaking your phone and it is all set to do as you command. In simple terms, the phone behaves like a hands free device with this application on.

9. Sonalight Text

Basically the main aim of this application is to help you with reading. When you are driving or involved in some kind of work which does not give you the time to check out your messages, this app can come in handy as it will read your message aloud and you can punch in your reply by simply speaking out the words as the app would send it for you.

10. Voice control

It has an extremely user friendly interface and the app shows a list of all the different voice lists that you can use. What makes it even more popular is that it is free to use. It may not be very similar to siri but it does have the facility to carry out the functions as and when you narrate them.

11. Risi beta lite

It is relatively new in the android store and yet is gaining a lot of popularity. It has an extremely smart user interface and is very siri like in its use. It can give you a lot of control when it comes to giving voice commands and getting the tasks executed.

12. Cyberon voice commander

It is an extremely efficiently designed app that would allow you to assume total control of your phone. There are a lot of different commands which you can give to your phone and it would execute each of them perfectly.

Thus, these are 12 different apps which functions like siri. Siri is one of the most popular apps in the apple store and thus catching up on its popularity, these apps have managed to do fairly well in the market too. Most of these apps work on the android platform because android is one of the most popular OS in the market at the moment.


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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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