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Top 5 Cloud Storage Providers

Cloud storage, to a layman this term remains un-recognizable no matter how many times you have used it. Take an example. You walk out of your home all set for today’s meeting. By the time you reach office you tend to get a feeling you’re missing onto something and a dreadful thought pops up that you don’t have your presentation. Now you are clueless what to do. But cloud storage comes into action at this moment. Cloud storage is nothing but a service that allows consumers to access a network where they can host files remotely in to access them whenever they want from a number of computers or devices. Cool isn’t it?
The major issue with cloud storage is choosing the best cloud storage that suits your requirements. There are many cloud storage services that offer extra space and free accounts and many other offers. But are those the best? Take a look at the top 5 cloud storage service providers and choose from them.


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New to cloud storage service? Maybe you need an interface that is user friendly and provides the maximum benefit. Go for Otixo. It offers as many free accounts and is the best platform to manage multiple accounts. Simply log in and you can smoothly drag and drop you documents and files. Otixo provides around 2GB of bandwidth usage per month.


One of the most successful cloud service providers. Drop box consists of a fully featured yet easy to use interface and a marketing level of top notch. Also the referral reward system conducted (that gives 18GB free space total) attracts the customers more. All you got to do is simply create an account and download the desktop client that provides you with up to date notification based details of the files added, removed etc.

Google Drive

Google, one name that is linked with almost everything, and would it leave out being in the cloud storage service? Google provides cloud storage under the name “Google Drive”. You add up to a free account and instantly get 5GB of space along with 10GB Gmail space and 1GB Picasa storage. Also, once you upgrade to the accounts of $2.49/month and $4.99/month you get 25GB and 100GB space respectively. What more, you get additional 25GB space on Gmail as bonus! Simply sign up and login simply to use it smoothly.

Microsoft Skydrive

Let’s just say that apart from providing the awesome windows and windows phone Microsoft has jumped into providing Cloud Storage services and gives the best package combining the best features together. It provides a start up space of 7GB and cheap upgrades of $10/year for 20GB. Skydrive is supported on windows phone, android, iPad and iPhone Interface too. All you need to do is get a windows live account and install the desktop client to get started.

Amazon Cloud Drive

Amazon is yet another cloud storage service provider offering a start up 5GB of free storage like Google Drive and inexpensive upgrades of $10/year for 20GB. Supports mobile integration and the best feature links up to store music, e-books and videos that you purchase on amazon.com that adds up to the number of user on Amazon drive and that as a surprise does not add into you regular drive space! Simply sign up to Amazon and download and install the desktop client.

So now you do have an idea into what cloud storage service is and in future, near or far if you think of getting onto one, you must’ve decided onto which one.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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