HomeBlogThe Windows 7 Requirements and Its Features

The Windows 7 Requirements and Its Features

The Microsoft has come up with a new edition of an OS in recent months. The Chairman announced, this edition is intended to be more user centric than preceding OS’s. This is a fresh upgrade on Microsoft`s part. Definitely, former editions of the Windows OS were never said to be centric, although in some ways, they were.
Windows 7 utilizes tracers to get the OS running. While with earlier editions of Windows user had to click OK to dispatch a report to Microsoft after a sudden shutdown, but it has now been eliminated in this version and it is now no more crucial because Windows tracers will deal with it. Though it might sound odd but it`s not a bad thing.

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Before the launch of Window 7, Microsoft had launched Windows Vista, which failed in the market in spite of having several features. After the failure of Windows Vista, Microsoft came up with Window 7, an incremental upgrade designed to work with Vista-compatible applications and hardware. Windows 7 Professional has everything you need for work and home, including all the Home Premium features you love and the business features your work with. Despite the fact that there are several new features which have been added in the windows 7 which set it apart from the previous editions, there are some requirements as well which needs to be fulfilled. Few of these are listed below:

Reducing the extravagance

Microsoft has emphasized on the fact that it is high time that windows becomes very efficient. In the past, updates were manufactured as additions hit onto the preceding OS but now windows have tried to make it sleeker.
With Windows 7’s requirements and specific arrangement, the ravage has been reduced from the internal to the external nucleus of the structure. This makes it so feasible that the microprocessor can do more while functioning less. Windows 7 has attained this goal by comprising, somewhat, companionable. In other words, one won’t see too many curriculums well-suited with Windows 7 and everything else.

Windows Mail`s absence

Window 7 comes without Photo Gallery or Windows Mail installed. Though, a free download counting these two parts of software and some other fine features as well, can be downloaded. It is a bonus over preceding OS.
Some customers of Windows 7 have grudges that it is sluggish. Essentially, this OS is manufactured for pace but the PC has to have the horsepower to make it work. A forty hard drive with sixteen of free space is minimum. Also, one cannot even get this OS off the ground not including at least 1 GB of RAM. It states the least amount of speed of the mainframe to be one GHZ, but user would require a top Microprocessor with sufficient L1 hoard onboard as well. In other words, a normal PC will not work with Windows 7 very well.
Still, this OS has some wonderful features. With PC users getting to be more and more video crazy, an OS designed to reduce exhausted PC effort is required. Windows 7 an endeavor at manufacturing this non extravagant, specific system which is easier to operate and pretty much affordable as well.

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