HomeBlogBest Weight-Loss and Fitness Technology Apps

Best Weight-Loss and Fitness Technology Apps

Weight loss and fitness is a multi-billion dollar industry that has transformed greatly over the past 100 years. Today’s savvy diet and exercise buffs won’t settle for a mere walk in the park or an unsatisfying hour spent at the gym — not with all the current technology so readily accessible. If you’re ready to change up your weight-loss or fitness routine, consider checking out one of these amazingly useful apps and technological advances. Most will cost you a few bucks, but there are many options available on your smartphone or tablet that are completely free.

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best weight loss tech apps

Harness the Power of Video Games

In an attempt to capture every conceivable market, many top video game developers have collaborated with sporting goods companies and fitness gurus to create a variety of exercise-themed games. If you’re a fan of music, there are several games available that encourage you to get off the couch and shake it in order to lose weight. If you’re a more regimented individual, Nike, Adidas and the Biggest Loser have collaborated with video game developers to create their own workout routines. Before investing in the game, read about what’s involved, including any recommendations or advisories about consulting your physician. Although these are technically video games, many of these programs are strenuous and not designed for the “casual” gamer or someone new to fitness.

Lose It!

Tracking your fitness activity and food consumption is an effective way to monitor your caloric intake and output. Once you see the numbers — the evidence — you won’t be able to deny overeating or under-exercising. However, for many, the idea of jotting down every nibble and meal is far too exhausting. If you’ve abandoned traditional food diaries in the past, then the “Lose It!” app is ideal for you. Available for free through the Apple marketplace or for your Android via Amazon, “Lose It!” is a digital way to keep track of everything you eat. Simply enter the food, and the app automatically searches its database for nutritional information. The app keeps track of not only your daily caloric intake, but also how much sodium, fat and protein you consumed.


Available on your iPhone or iPad, iFitness is for anyone that enjoys the idea of a traditional workout but dreads going to the gym or spending money on a personal trainer. For a one-time download fee of $1.99, iFitness offers users nearly 230 exercises that are broken down by specific muscle groups or target areas such as abs, thighs or upper arms. In addition, the app also includes 100 workout videos recorded by trained professionals. The app allows you to customize your workouts and even sends you emails with your progress and how many exercises or workouts you performed during a set amount of time.

Gruve Personal Activity Monitor

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a live-in personal trainer available 24/7 to motivate, inspire or at the very least tell you to get up and start burning calories? Technology has unfortunately not created a virtual personal trainer for every home. However, the Gruve Personal Activity Monitor is the next best thing. The “Gruve” attaches to your belt buckle and records your daily activities, including how many calories you burned. If you’re feeling less than motivated, the device will get you going with an alarm that signals you’ve been too inactive for a period of time. This little alarm is extremely effective at getting you motivated to get up and start working toward your fitness and weight-loss goals.

Endomondo Sports Trackers Pro

If you’re a competitive person by nature, consider downloading the “Endomondo Sports Trackers Pro” on your Android or Apple device. Through the power of GPS, Endomondo helps track your walk, run or hike. It also tells you how a specific hike or jog compares to previous workouts. In addition, the Endomondo can keep track of your friend’s hikes, jogs or walks, and challenges you to beat them.

There is seemingly no end to the ways you can integrate the latest technologies into your workout routines. Before downloading an app or purchasing a video game, remember to read the reviews and determine if the technology will benefit your unique fitness goals.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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