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How smartly solve responsive web design problems

The internet of the 21st century is much different when compared to what we used to experience during the end part of 20th century. Internet has become faster and more user friendly while trying to match up with the modern trend. Internet has become a necessity for the human beings. With the introduction of Smartphone and tablet devices, internet has become more portable than one could have expected a couple of decades earlier. Although the present era has experienced unprecedented growth of the web world, there is also a very unique problem being faced by the web designers. With the advent of smart phones and tablets, websites are being developed for multiple display sources.
A website that looks great on a desktop PC or laptop computer may not look great when opened in a 5″ Smartphone or a 10″ tablet device. Also, the overall performance like screen loading, page shifting, etc needs to be figured out. There is no guarantee that a web page being developed for PC will perform excellently when opened in mobile telecom devices.

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Before Responsive Web Design came into the scenario, developers used to create websites optimized solely for those desktop-oriented, static screen sizes. This didn’t invite much of problems as internet during the 20th century was confined solely to the desktop PCs. The problem started with the introduction of Apple’s iPhone. Yes, it it the first Smartphone that introduced the mobile internet surfing. Slowly many other smart phones started to introduce the concept of internet surfing through those telecom devices. And guess what? People started to love this concept. The mobile way to surf the internet is much convincing and allowed people to use it in the moving too.

The problem occurred with the sites. During the early days of Smartphone’s, websites used to get developed only for the desktop PCs. As a result, these sites, when tried to access through the Smartphone or tablet PCs, started behaving strangely. These static sites became extremely difficult to navigate. Smartphone users started to ask for mobile-compatible websites. Only two websites were built initially after investing much of time, effort, and money. The end result was also not satisfactory. There were plenty of broken links, as well negative SEO issues that resulted in browsing the net difficult through the Smartphone devices.

With the introduction of Responsive Web Designing concept, things became a lot stable. Responsive Web Site concept offers a comprehensive toolbox filled with unlimited web development techniques that can definitely benefit the website to respond and adapt to the device that is being viewed on. Responsive Web Designing follows the concept – One Size Fits All. Using this concept, a website being developed can be easily loaded in any device without creating a mess.

However, Responsive Web Design concept has its own set of problems. But those can be solved with a little dedication and positive attitude. Say for example, Responsive Web Designing base websites take longer to get developed. It can be a problem but then again, fine. How about increase the number of members in the web development team? It can definitely help in increasing the development speed. Then, there is an issue with smooth navigation of the websites when using the responsive approach. But this problem can be smartly handled since plenty of different navigational approaches are available for responsive web designs.

Standing at this highly advance era, it can be assured that responsive web designing concept is here to stay and rule the web development industry. While there are some flaws that designers point out, but there are also several alternatives to fix them and develop platform independent websites.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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