HomeBlogHow BYOD and Remote Work Could Help You Be a Super Mommy

How BYOD and Remote Work Could Help You Be a Super Mommy

According to Global Workplace Analytics, more than 3 million Americans worked from home regularly in 2011, not including self-employed individuals. Additionally, about half of telecommute workers, compared to less than one-third of office employees, are satisfied with their jobs. By 2016, estimates show that 63 million U.S. adults will telecommute at least occasionally.

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This is especially good news for mothers who need to complete their motherly duties and their work responsibilities simultaneously. While not too many employees work from home, BYOD and remote work have started to become more popular in the last few years, putting more and more people under the “telecommute” category. Check out these reasons why BYOD and remote work can help you become a Super Mommy.

Blur The Line Between Work Life and Personal Life

BYOD, or bring-your-own-device, is a new concept where employees can use personal devices of their choosing at work. One of the top benefits of this for employees is that it helps blur the line between work life and personal life. While many companies have a BYOD policy in place and they may use security measures such as BlackBerry enterprise mobility management solutions, you’re not as limited as you might be on a corporate-owned device, allowing you to complete personal responsibilities from work.
Ultimately, this helps people connect to work while at home and connect to home while at work. Need to deal with a personal crisis involving your children while you’re at work? Simply have your kids contact you on your personal smart phone. Even though you’ll use your device for work and personal reasons, studies have shown that BYOD increases productivity in the U.S. by an average of 81 minutes per week per employee.

Forget The 9 to 5 Workday and Fulfill Your Mommy Responsibilities

BothBYOD and remote work can help you solve the issue of the 9-to-5 workday and help you fulfill your mommy responsibilities when you need to. Since you can often connect to the corporate network while away from work, BYOD allows you to work when and wherever you need to. This means that you can take a break from work and attend your child’s soccer game, pick them up from school, or take them to the park.
With programs like this, it makes it easy to pay attention to your children since you’ll have free time together. Once you tuck the children in for the night, you can easily get back to work and finish up your employee duties.

Better Provide for Your Children

Being able to deal with problems all throughout the day and supporting your children in everything they do aren’t the only ingredients to becoming a Super Mommy. You also have to add the financial support to the recipe. By working remotely, one estimate shows that you could save more than $6,000 per year on commuting.
Not only that, but telecommuting can lead to increased productivity, ultimately helping you make more money. In the end, working remotely, whether through BYOD or another program, helps you better support your family and give your children the food, clothes, Christmas presents, and dance lessons that they need.

Save Time for Your Children

When you telecommute with BYOD and remote work, you’re not only able to attend to your children and clean your house when those responsibilities demand your attention, but you actually save heaps of time to devote to your mommy tasks. Think about how much time you spend driving to work every day. Instead of using up your time traveling, you could spend it on preparing breakfast for your children, tidying the house, taking your children to school, or attending dance recitals.
What’s more, since telecommuting increases productivity, you can get done with your work duties quicker and spend less hours on the computer or phone. In one study that surveyed 2,000 workers, researchers found that of the time that telecommuters save, they spend 60 percent working and 40 percent on personal time.

Interact With Your Children With a Good Attitude

You’ve already heard that half of telecommute workers are very satisfied with their jobs, and this in turn can lead to a happier life. Ultimately, your attitude about your job affects your mood when your around your children, and if you’re in a good mood, you can interact with them better to build stronger relationships. One study shows that people who telecommute experience less stress and are generally happier. Check out these reasons for it:
• You don’t have to deal with annoying coworkers.
• You aren’t involved with office politics and drama.
• Telecommuting aids in work-life balance to reduce stress.
• Telecommuters are less stressed about interruptions.

Improve Your Health To Do More With Your Children

You already know that remote work and telecommuting with BYOD can affect your mood, but working from home at least part of the time can also have an effect on your overall health – not just your emotional health. With a healthier body comes more opportunities to enjoy your children, allowing you to swing with them, play games at the park, and perform other duties of being a mother. A telecommute lifestyle can help you do this.
One study shows that 86 percent of telecommuters say that they feel better when they work from home, with respondents reporting a 25 percent drop in stress levels. Another statistic shows that 73 percent of people who telecommute eat healthier at home since they’re cooking their own meals. In addition to this, the time you save working can help contribute to being more active since you’re spending less time at a desk. Ultimately, this leads to a healthier body so that you can keep up with your children and enjoy the thrills of being a mom.
If you’re not already taking advantage of your company’s BYOD or remote work program, consider using it to increase your productivity as an employee and as a mother. Even if you’re not a full-time telecommuter, you can still enjoy the mentioned benefits to help you become a Super Mommy.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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