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How to Balance Your College and Blogging Life

It is important to balance things as it has immense role to play in leading a life of dignity and ease. More so, since in such a fast paced life where all that matters is the time. After all, who could say that life is the same with respect to yesteryears when there was not so much of competition? Therefore, you have to be at your best in whatever you do by equally balancing different things since without perfection you will not be a successful in any way.

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After all, life is nothing without money and most of us have to start becoming self dependent from a very young age in order to survive at a time when your respect is directly proportional to your income. Or in other words, others will respect you by seeing your status in the society where the basic thing for you to achieve is finance.

Now, in order to make extra income from your school days, various people are taking private tuitions, working as part time in offices or becoming bloggers besides studying. The ever increasing base of students working as a part time bloggers is certainly on the rise. The question which might be hovering around your mind is how to manage the dual role of both. Since, it is to be noted that on one hand, when all one want is money during such an important phase of life and it inspires students to allot a lot more time especially when it starts giving enough money. On the other hand, you cannot overlook or ignore doing blogging for long as well. Therefore, while reading the following article, you will know the ways to balance your college as well as blogging life without affecting either of them in any way as well:-

Balance the dual role

A student at such a raw age usually finds difficulty in balancing the role. However, not any more though, since all he should start doing is to be honest with himself. Since, he is slowly entering the phase where he will most probably stand on his own legs in a full-fledged way in a matter of few years. Therefore, a college life is usually a learning phase where he usually has to showcase his inner strength and power towards studying properly for a specific number of hours on daily basis along with doing blogging by allocating another set of hours as well.

Money should not tempt him

Although, earning money is totally justifiable, but it should not be tempting to such an extent where as students, all you do throughout the day is just blogging. It will infact signal a death knell for the career which is yet to get in shape and you end up failing miserably as well. You need to realize that you have equally deposited a big chunk of money towards making your future bright by paying college fees and any careless or wrong move will surely dampen the aspirations of your parents as well. Therefore, balance your life in order to be fully satisfied too.

Make detailed and thorough preparations according to “timings” and “situations”

If it is important to balance the things, it is equally important to make detailed preparations from before. Do you think that you can really make the things work in your favor just by planning at the eleventh hour? You won’t for sure. Isn’t it? Now, you should be matured and sensible enough to do the things which you consider itself as a priority. For example, your blog has not got any post since days together, then you should better publish without any delay. On the other hand, if you have your exams starting in week’s times, then you should allot more time in studies and less time doing blogging in order to balance your way according to the situation and timing. Isn’t it?

Make way for scheduled posts

As a blogger, you need to regularly post content. If you thought that doing blogging while being students is the most difficult part, then think again. Since, just by “balancing” the things, you can actually help towards making the things work in your favor.

Don’t you think that you can actually take out time on weekends towards writing schedule posts for yourself? Yes, you can easily do, as weekend is the perfect time where you can write few posts which can long last till weekend or at least for few days. Hence, you will not be pressurized towards posting regular content which will in fact ease you immensely. Similarly, make the habit of writing few hundred words just before you sleep. If it hard for you to write an article in your free time, then try diving the work by finishing the article in 2-3 days. After all, your readers will have some thing new and interesting to read on periodical basis which matters a lot.

Finally, aforesaid are the best ways to balance your college and blogging life and you can surely turn the situation in your favor for sure.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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