HomeAndroid5 Apps from Android to Enhance Your Work Productivity

5 Apps from Android to Enhance Your Work Productivity

Android is not a new name to any of us now. In fact, it has received so much popularity with time that many tech savvy people have turned into Android freaks in no time. With concentration of improving the Android experience for gaming, doing tasks, watching movies no one uses their Smartphone for the purpose they were really created. Today it is used to improve the working standards of the people and advance their productivity. Tech reviews clearly reveals the fact that android phones of today are not just used for making calls or texting but they are used for numerous other purposes and are really enhancing the work productivity of common man.
Here is a list of 5 must have apps that will contribute to your productivity:

Swift Key Keyboard

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Swift Key Keyboard
If you are an avid user of stock keyboard (the keyboard that comes in built with the phone) then you are still left behind to experience some outstanding work. Developers have been working to provide people with stuff that could enhance their typing speed. And one of the ways is sliding typing. This has eradicated the need to tap and write every button. All you got to do is place your finger at the display and slide it over the alphabets and type in microseconds. The dictionary and prediction features help in typing the correct word and reduce your typing speed.


While talking about productivity, one thing that strikes our mind is scheduling and arranging things related to amusement and work. With great interface, sleek lines and widgets, you can easily schedule your meeting for present day, next day or a couple of week. Moreover, you can use the app as a check list. Just touch the task with your finger and it will be highlighted as complete.

Team Viewer

This app is a great boon for all those people who have to work on remote devices. It allows you to manage and run your computer or anyone’s computer from anywhere you want. All you got to do is install the Team Viewer app on the computer as well as on the mobile along with an active internet connection and connect both of them. You can easily control the other computer also from your mobile in between the highest security norms.

Google Drive

Like it or not, Cloud is the future of the coming time. This means that the file stored on cloud can be used by any person who has an internet connection. It allows you work on the documents, hare it with your team and do much more. Google Drive is safe and comes with the safety of the Google. It eradicates the need of using separate application for Microsoft Office and PDF documents.


How about having a personal assistant app on your phone that could take all your calls, write notes, types questions and messages through voice commands. The Assistant app does the same. Available on the Play Store, the app from Speak Tolt is an intelligent app offering virtual assistant to the mobile users. Speak naturally and it understands.
The above apps are best in their own niches and are highly recommendable for avid mobile users. It saves time, organizes your work and keeps you better in every way.


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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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