HomeBlog11 Vital Blogging Plugins Every Wordpress User Must Have

11 Vital Blogging Plugins Every WordPress User Must Have

The importance of WordPress for website owners and bloggers are known to all. One can cache a browser, a web page, any database, object, and most importantly the CDN support. By caching your WordPress, you can improve the speed of your website, thereby improving the traffic of your website. By caching all the content of the website, you can improve the experience of the user interface, and present a transparent CDN integration. Apart from cache plugins there are many more plugins such as Rss plugin, backup plugin, etc. that makes your WordPress experience just amazing. The techies all over are going gaga over the WordPress, and its benefits are just increasing day by day.

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The WordPress has more than 1000 plugins available. Most of the bloggers all over the world face the problem of getting their blogs spammed. By using plugins, at least some of the spamming problems will be resolved. From so many plugins available, it is really to choose the best ones as per your need. Research a bit and then choose the best plugins so as to get the best out of them and make your WordPress experience even better. Few most popular wordpress plugins are W3 total Cache, Gravity Forms, Thank Me Later, Quick Cache, etc.

1. W3 Total Cache

This is one of the best plugin caches of WordPress. The reason of calling it the best is, it loads the web pages really fast, and it reduces the CPU processing time by half as it stores the static versions of the website. So if, you use a WordPress, it takes more time than if you use a plugin.

2. WP Super Cache

This is another simple and easy to use cache WordPress plugin that most of the WordPress blog owners prefer using. If you are not using any cache plugin just download it free and start using as it can save loads of space for you by generating static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.

3. Gravity Forms

This is the best WordPress plugin for the forms. This form is an all in one package as it creates posts, allows uploading of images, media files, it even allows conditional logic, and a host of other things. This can be called as the all-in-one form plugin used by the WordPress.

4. Secure WordPress

As the name suggests this is one of the best plugin for WordPress which secures your blog. standard WordPress installation have some of the features enabled that are not well secure. This plugin fixes all those issues instantly and make your blog more secured. Thus it is a must have if you want to add better security to your blog.

5. WP –DB Manager

This is a good backup plugin for the website. It has quite a few amazing functions, but the best feature according to me is its capability to email the entire WordPress at a base every day to the user.

6. Thank me later

This is another great plugin, where it sends emails to all the first time visitors to the site. This can be used to remind the users of your RSS feed, or invite them to connect with you personally. This can be done by sending emails to connect with your readers.

7. WP-PageNavi

These plugins have page buttons, so that the audience can go the site and page directly by clicking on the page number, instead of going one by one through the “Older posts” and “New posts”, which used to be so boring. The button pages look better than the link pages.

8. SEO Smart Links

If you want to increase the page ranking of all the contents, then inter link the contents with your article. This not only improves your ranking, but is also helpful for customers who can read the other contents based on the same keyword or theme. This plugin interlinks all the attractive keywords to the other relevant contents written by you.

9. DiggDigg Social Sharing

This is a simple plugin, which allows the social plugins to float on the left of each post while the reader is reading your post. With easy access to the social media buttons, the viewers of your post can instantly like them, share them with their friends, or comment on the article.

10. Yet Another Related Post Plugin

This is plugin that keeps your visitors engaged on your blog by making them visit more pages. this shows your users more similar posts below the main content so that you get more page views and more profits.

11. All In One SEO

All in one SEO is one of the best rated SEO plugin for your WordPress blog. Without this plugin your blog may suffer loss of organic traffic which can be more profitable for you in long run. So why not look at the plugin and download it free to make your blog better and amazing.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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