Just as soon as we buy one computer, it seems like a new one has already been introduced that makes the one we have seem outdated and obsolete. Many of us bought large-screen television sets only to have to replace them when the industry standard was upgraded to high definition. The monthly cost of phone service, cable and Internet continue to rise.
Yet, despite the often high price of these gadgets and services and keeping current with them, we cannot turn our back on technology and become digital hermits. Well, we can, but most of us would shudder at the thought of life without Internet access or the ability to watch our favorite shows.
Here are a few ideas for how you can save money on some of the most important technology in your life:
Televisions and Programming
Now that we’ve all made the switch to HD television sets, there don’t seem to be many big changes on the horizon for television technology. LCD flat screens are commonplace, and the cost of a television set is going down. You can save money on the purchase by shopping on known sale weekends, such as those following major holidays like Labor Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas. You can also save a lot of money and still get a quality set by shopping floor models or returned or refurbished models. You could save hundreds of dollars.
Skip cable, which is growing more and more expensive in the face of reduced competition, and shop Direct TV to get the channels you want at a price you can afford. Check out this site for current deals. Some people have switched to Internet-based programming, but doing so deprives you of the selection that Direct TV offers, and you lose the ability to watch it on the big screen.
Computers and Internet
Computers age out more quickly than almost any other type of technology. To save money, you need to buy the most up-to-date computer you can afford and take steps to keep it healthy and current. That means installing a strong anti-virus program, installing all updates as they become available, and updating components as necessary.
You can also save money on the purchase by shopping during sale weekends or during the tax-free weekend. If you are tech-savvy, you can also save money by building your own computer through components ordered from a reputable supplier.
Save money on Internet by ordering the lowest data plan and hooking up a high-quality router and modem. Higher speeds often get throttled by poor-performing routers and modems, so if you have the right equipment, even the lower-tier plan should offer you more than enough speed.
Mobile Devices
You can save a lot of money on mobile phones by purchasing them through a phone contract or renewal. In some cases, you can get a free phone when you sign up for the contract. In others, you pay a steeply reduced fee. You may use a phone plan savings calculator to guide you in getting a plan that suits your needs.
Don’t be tempted to get a new phone before your contract expires just because a shiny new model has been released. Patience alone is enough to save you a lot of money.
If you just can’t wait, search for previously owned models or refurbished models. You’ll still pay far less than retail, which could be a couple hundred dollars for higher-end smart phones.
Save money on your phone service by enlisting a friend or family members to sign up for a multi-line plan. The cost of adding a line to a current phone plan is typically a lot cheaper than starting a new account. Just make sure you choose someone you trust so you don’t get into disputes later about who needs to pay the bill or who owes what portion.
Technology may be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. By using these simple tips, you can save money on some of the most used gadgets while still staying up-to-date on the latest technology.