HomeBlogWhy is Hot-desking the Ultimate Solution for Tech Start-ups?

Why is Hot-desking the Ultimate Solution for Tech Start-ups?

According to recent statistics, 34% of the American workforce now works as freelancers. This supports previous research conducted by technology giant Intuit, who suggested that 40% of all Americans will work as independent contractors by the year 2020. The same trend is prevalent in the UK, and businesses have been forced to react by offering flexible working directive to attract and retain the best industry challenge. There also benefits for business owners, however, especially technology-orientated start-up firms.

Why is Hot-desking the Ultimate Solution for Tech Start-ups?

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In fact, there are multiple reasons why tech start-ups in the UK should consider hot-desking and project-based recruitment drives when launching their ventures. These include: –

Reduce Operational Costs

As a general rule, hot-desking reduces operational costs for firms. This is the practice of allocation desks on a rotational system, whether this involves employing temporary project-based staff or enabling permanent employees to work from home. It reduces costs as companies can lease small and more affordable office buildings, while also employing less staff members at any particular point in time. With innovative firms such as LEO also offering virtual office space, it is possible to create an even more flexible and cost-effective commercial infrastructure.

Empower Productivity

Productivity is crucial for start-up firms, as they must compete aggressively with more established rivals in the quest to claim a share of their chosen market. Hot-desking can help with this, as research suggests that companies with flexible working directives are more productive than those with a traditional infrastructure. Quite simply, by hosting a smaller number of permanent desks where staff members are required to work from home on a rotational business, you can optimise productivity and increase the motivation to work for your brand.

Make the most of your Space and grow organically

If you do own physical office space, there is always a risk that you will outgrow this at a rapid rate. This can cause issues, but the beauty of hot-desking is that it enables you to optimise the floor space at your disposal and grow at a more organic pace without investing heavily in larger premises. Hot-desking enables you to keep several desks free at any given time, meaning that the initial need for growth can be met simply by filling these desks and employing additional staff members without additional cost. While the time may eventually come when you will need to consider moving, you can make the most of your existing office space for longer through hot-desking.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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