HomeBlogUsing Small Hosting Companies Can Be More Profitable For Your Business

Using Small Hosting Companies Can Be More Profitable For Your Business

With all the large hosting companies out there who are over commercializing their products and services by advertising on just about any platform that is available, it can be hard not to fall for their marketing schemes. These marketing companies promise everything from high speed performance to excellent SEO and the final bait to their commercial plan is usually the promise of time. They give their word that by using their hosting company your website will be faster, created in less time and perform much better. Most businesses fail to realize that these large hosting companies are often so overstocked by their large client basis that they start lacking in service delivery and performance.

The benefits of using a smaller hosting company

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The common belief is that bigger is better, right? Well, in truth that is hardly ever the case. Bigger retail stores often lack quality products and great service delivery. Bigger vehicles consume more fuel and you hardly ever find parking. Bigger homes have higher electric and property bills and require much more maintenance. In the same way larger hosting companies entail more work to keep all their clients satisfied. Smaller hosting companies have their focus on the few clients they have and strive to serve these few clients. By investing in a smaller hosting company you will:

  • Enjoy better customer service
  • Enjoy bandwidth that isn’t rented or shared by other websites
  • Get a large database and fantastic tailor made a backup plan
  • Enjoy hands on maintenance and care
  • Get faster and more reliable feedback because there are usually no telemarketers who handle the calls
  • Find better suited packages for your company’s unique needs
  • Each client enjoys the best service because the hosting company has more time to focus on each individual client

Services you can enjoy from a small hosting company

The services of small hosting companies can vary from one company to another, but the basics are always the same. Your hosting company will provide you with:

  • Unlimited or limited data transfers for package plans depending on the size of the package that you are interested in. The data package will determine how much information is shared at what speed.
  • Shared hosting so you can enjoy the lowest rates for a shared package. This is perfect for multiple websites or for small companies who require smaller hosting packages.
  • VPS hosting will help your website to have the best security and create a completely unique operational system for your website. VPS hosting is the perfect solution for those who want more security for their websites and more protection against possible information glitches.
  • Dedicated hosting is provided so that your large website or blog can perform better on a singular platform without any shared space or shared bandwidth.
  • Managed WordPress Hosting so you can enjoy concierge service where all the technical difficulties and aspects are run by the host. The host is responsible for security, speed, WordPress updates, backups, website uptime and scalability.
  • Linux servers are a high-powered type of the Linux open source operating system. This system can handle the demanding needs of the business such as secure admin databases.
  • Windows Servers that have been developed by Microsoft for enterprise-level management, data storage, applications and communications.
  • Technical support from the company’s most professional technicians who can help you from a remote destination with even the most difficult of task and guide you through the setup process of your website, blog or contract.
  • Web management – Some small hosting companies have broadened their playing field and also do professional web management where they use SEO techniques to improve the overall ratings of your websites so your site will appear higher on Google’s search engine results and other management aspects such as promotion, writing engaging content, sharing on social sites and much more.
  • Smaller hosting companies can give you the best advice on which hosting packages to use and on which platform to operate so you can get the most out of your business. They can also guide you to the right package to choose for a growing business with much potential to make the transition process from one hosting package to another easier.

Where to find smaller hosting companies?

The company you are looking for does not necessarily have to be in your neighborhood. The internet is allowing companies and individuals to enjoy fantastic services from even foreign companies. What you should focus on when you consider smaller hosting companies are:

Price – Smaller hosting companies offer better and more personal service which might come at a price. Consider the package deals that are available before you choose your smaller hosting company.

Experience – You should always find a hosting company with a good track record and good experience. This way you are sure to rely on a secure and durable hosting service.

Service – If your hosting company is treating you ill from the start, then they might just continue doing so. Look for a company that is willing to respond in less than 24 hours.

Presentation – A good hosting company will have good web designing and managing skills. The hosting company that you invest in should have a neat and modern webpage that is well organized and communicates well with you.

Reviews – Reviews are usually written by previous clients. These reviews are the honest opinion about a company’s products and services. Before you decide on the hosting company that is perfect for your website or blog, you could search the internet for some reviews on the company. By reading these reviews you will get an overall good idea of what you can expect from the company and its services. You may even get a good heads up on all the scanning companies.

The internet has an abundance of web hosting companies and if you are in any way unsatisfied with the performance of your website, the content loading and downloading speed, or the database that you have to work with then you should either try and upgrade to a larger package or opt for another service.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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