HomeTechApp Store Optimization and Its Essential Components

App Store Optimization and Its Essential Components

The growing number of mobile apps, courtesy of the major app stores across the globe, has made it increasingly difficult to get your app discovered by the target audience. For the benefit of app developers, there is a tool referred to as app store optimization that helps optimize your apps for maximum visibility and a superior ranking.

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The ASO works on the principle that the mobile app should be optimized in a way, that it draws the attention of relevant audience, which not only visits the app, but also installs it and puts it to constant use. Unlike the Search engine optimization, that is designed to draw a heavier traffic to the website, the ASO aims at genuine conversions and a loyal customer base.

App Store optimization and its essential components

There are various components of the App Store optimization that play a critical role in determining the pattern of a user’s visit, and his tendency to go forth with an app download.

1. The Keyword search

Similar to the SEO, the ASO too makes use of relevant terms that would redirect the user to a specific app list. There are various analytical tools to determine the kind of audience that will be interested in a specific app, and the most sought after keywords being used to search the top rankers on the app store. The idea is to make use of simpler and more often used words, keeping in mind the level and kind of traffic that an app commands.

2. The App description

Once the user actually reaches your mobile app, the next thing that might play a crucial role in developing his interest in it, is the descriptive content of the home page of the app. Most of the users do not really care about the keywords they entered. Instead, it is an engaging app description that might lure them into proceeding with an installation.

3. The App logo

The human mind is programmed to be more magnetized towards pictorial representations, rather than written text. It is helpful to understand that when a potential user is scrolling down the app list displayed on his search page, it is the logo of the app that first catches his attention. The logo of your app should be designed in such a way, that it gives a valuable insight into the app’s content, while maintaining a distinctive look and appeal from the rest in line.

4. Competitive research

One of the more abstract components, that influence the effectiveness of the ASO, is a comparative research of your direct competitors in the market. The most effective approach, to improving upon your qualities and avoiding constant mistakes, is to learn from those who are performing better than you. There are several measuring and analytic tools, which can help you in keeping an eye on your competitors, and determining what your app lacks. By doing a little research on the others, you may be able to identify certain critical keywords that you might be missing on, and make appropriate updates in your app.

5. The user reviews

One thing that most of the users do, when they first visit a website or an app, is to go through the reviews and past experiences, shared by the previous customers. In order to create a positive image in the minds of your visiting audience, you need to keep an account of all the positive as well as negative reviews, and ensure that they are both met with immediate responses from your company. Ensure that you highlight the positive reviews; especially the five star rated ones, in order to showcase the pleasant attributes of your app.

6. The app name

Just like your app logo needs to stand out among the rest of your competitors, you app name too needs to have a distinctive appeal that lures the potential users in developing a profound interest in it. In addition to being snappy, the title of your app should be crisp and inclusive of the main keywords for an effective search refinement. Owing to the fact that only the first characters of your title would be visible to the users, it should be short, catchy and informative, all at the same time.

Although, the ASO might appear to be a tad trickier and more complex than the much simpler SEO, the former has an enormous utility, in the mobile app development industry.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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