HomeBusinessThe Five Secrets To Success Selling on Amazon

The Five Secrets To Success Selling on Amazon

If you are looking for a means of generating more income and you think that Amazon is the best yet the easiest selling platform, you are mistaken. Even when you share your product information link to a few of you friends, you will soon realize that you aren’t making any sales. You have to work for that product to sell. To start selling, read then practice the following marketing secrets:

1. Traffic

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Amazon is a search engine just like Google and for the highest product conversion rates, you must have correct and a lot of traffic directed to your product site on Amazon. A good or a profitable product with high traffic means that the products get higher ranking on search engine result pages. Amazon will also promote such products using email marketing, re-targeted ads and “customers also bought.” ads. These will put your product on top creating more sales.

2. Keywords

You’ve probably heard this word mentioned more than once. Keywords are essential in increasing ranking and visibility of your product on search engine result pages. Include a unique keyword in the title and the backend keyword search. To ensure that you have the right keyword, you should carry out thorough research on Amazon keywords and the best keyword research tools to use.

Keywords leverage organic sales and also the ranking or the position of your product on search engine result pages. You should only choose profitable keywords. You may also leverage the power of Merchant words on Amazon to determine your best primary and secondary keywords.

3. Keyword rank strategy

You cannot use any keyword you think of. You have to use the correct keyword. A correct keyword is relevant to your product and is therefore listed on the product title, reviews, and the back office keyword terms. You should also consider the conversion rates associated with the keywords, and the sales recorded with use of that keyword.

4. Amazon PPC

The other way of getting high organic rank results is by using the Amazon PPC. This is a good source of traffic to your product site, as it generally raises your keyword ranking on the site.

5. Product listing page

You product listings page will determine if a customer chooses your product over the other or not. This power lies within you and if your products aren’t selling, then you have to consider the product listing information.

Pay attention to the product title. The title is the primary source of the keywords people use when searching and if these miss on the title, then you will have less sales.

High quality product images: to sell more, your products must have the highest quality image. The images should stand out to draw attention. Besides the image, your product needs a catchy phrase or a well written description that is salesy, unique and one that shows the benefits of the product. Inclusion of past customer reviews to your product page helps in gaining the buyers’ trust, increasing sales.

In conclusion, selling on Amazon will require a lot more expertise and dedication to ensure that the right amount of traffic is generated towards your site and that your product is ranked highly.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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