HomeWordpress10 Best WordPress Plugins for Your Business Websites

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Your Business Websites

According to the latest statistics, almost 27 percent of all content online is managed in WordPress (WP). There are many reasons, why this CMS (content management system) is so popular, but two major ones are a simple learning curve and the versatility of function that it offers. The latter one is only possible because of the plethora of plugins available on this platform. While WordPress offers something for every single user out there, startups and SMBs are quickly becoming one of its leading demographics. Here are 10 plugins that are the most responsible for this sudden burst of WPs popularity in corporate world.

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1. Google Analytics

google analytics
It would be simply absurd to start a business plugin list at anything other than Google Analytics. Why? Well, because this particular plugin gives you an invaluable insight on patterns and behaviors of your website’s visitors. Naturally, knowing their habit makes it easier to engage them with greater success and thus increases the chance of conversion.

2. BackupBuddy

More often than not, the loss of data can be even worse than the loss offa client. While the latter one sets you one (or few) steps back, the first one returns you back to the beginning. In order not to allow this to happen, you will need a fail-proof backup plugin and BackupBuddy is probably your safest choice.

3. Yoast SEO

yoast seo
The more people visit your website; the greater potential customer pool you will have. However, in order to drive more traffic your way, you need to improve your website’s visibility. The easiest way to do so is through Yoast SEO (formerly WordPress SEO), which helps make your website crawler-friendly. In this way, you get indexed sooner and your Google rank drastically improves.

4. Envira Gallery

envira gallery
It goes beyond doubt that one picture speaks a thousand words. Especially now, when 8 out of 10 people won’t read past headlines. Because of this, you need to make sure that your website’s gallery is impeccable. When it comes to image optimization, this will be completely on you, but if you are worried about things like galleries, albums or lightbox popups this is something that Envira Gallery can do in your stead.

5. YouTube Embed WordPress

youtube wordpress embed
WordPress YouTube Embed plugin is useful and convenient plugin to add videos to your WordPress website without coding knowledge. You can use YouTube Embed plugin for adding videos in widgets, posts, pages, so it mean you can add videos almost everywhere(also you can use our YouTube Embed plugin shortcode to add videos in header or footer of your website).

6. Beaver Builder

beaver builder
The greatest problem with building a website in HTML is that you will actually need to learn how to code, which might be something you won’t have enough time bother with. On the other hand, there are so many beginner friendly WP builders, working on a simple drag-and-drop principle. One of them is Beaver Builder. You see, even with the designer you are the most compatible with, you may sometimes find it difficult to describe exactly what you want. This way, you get a total control over the project and save money on the designer fee along the way.

7. Testimonials Widget

testimonial widget
It goes without saying that word of the mouth is by far the most reliable marketing method out there. Its greatest drawback is that it has a limited reach. This is where testimonials come in big time. They represent a compromise since although they pose as your business’ affirmation by its users, they are out there for everyone to see. The easiest way to manage them is through Testimonials Widget.

8. WP-Optimize

wp optimize
According to Kissmetrics, it takes no longer than 4 seconds of slow response for 25 percent of your entire audience to leave you. In order to avoid this, you need to optimize your website and this is something that WP-Optimize can help you with. All it does is clean up your WP database and make your website run smoother without you having to break a sweat about it.

9. Broken Link Checker

broken link checker
Unfortunately, the quality of your website is not the only thing you will be judged for, but for the external sites you link towards, as well. In order to make sure all the links are in proper order, you might want to consult a Broken Link Checker. Apart from fixing broken links, it also helps detect missing images which can come in quite handy.

10. Disable Comments

disable comment
Finally, while it is always advisable to let you visitors speak their minds, sometimes you will be forced to disable the comments. In a situation where you have a comment spamming epidemic in full swing the Disable Comments plugin will become your best friend.


Every single one of these plugins has something unique to offer to your business, but these are just the tip of the iceberg. When combined with optimal industry-specific tools these software pieces can unleash their full potential and help give your business a competitive edge it so desperately needs.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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