Poster design is any piece of printed paper which may include both textual and graphic elements and can be attached to a wall or a vertical surface. Poster art can be found on street corners, trains, buses, and billboards etc, and are usually used to be both eye catching and to convey information.
Well designed Posters always attract attention and compel the viewer to contemplate the message behind the message. The Typography or the Font Type used within such poster art is as vital for a poster as are its graphics by which to convey its message to the masses.
A well designed Poster containing well designed graphics and typography manages to relay much more about it’s overall message to the viewer and sell its product. Fonts [ Typography ] play an important role within the design of a poster, along with the appropriate graphic elements, so that it may be able to either make the viewer relate to the product being sold or the message being relayed.
Therefore STG conducted a search, sorted through many such fonts and collected 21 Free Fonts well suited for Poster Design which will help designers to make their posters beautifully outrageous!