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Redaxscript – Ultra Lightweight Content Management System

What more does a website owner want? A quick, modern, high quality, rocket fast and ultra-light CMS not just adds progressive benefits to your site, but also makes the visitors happy. Well, Redaxscript is your answer for everything. Whether it is SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL, you can enjoy the best CMS service.

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You have the benefit to enjoy the best services of a developer as well as a designer. If you’re in search of a good website design and the right development process, then Redaxscript is the perfect place for you.

Some of the amazing benefits and features that you will get here and nowhere else are:


• Database Abstraction – with this amazing object relation mapper and easy query builder property, you get a standardized and well-conceived abstraction section for MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL database.

• Dock Container – It has the best facility to compose and install Redaxscript in the required atmosphere in a time of less than two minutes.

• Amazing interface – run a good collection of powerful functions and commands directly from the browser. It gives you the freedom to automate your backups, installations, imports and other jobs.

• Efficient caching – you need not think about scaling. Redaxscript delivers effective file caching for pages and assets. It balances the high server loads to provide you the site in a timely way.

• Access control – enjoy power over your community. You have the liberty to create groups and different users with permissions as per the required role. Limited access to modules and content has been given to few groups.

• Flexible system – you have the most effective, flexible and extensible system architecture to the front end future and backend development. You can write your own templates and modules.

• High speed – behind every CMS project you look for the peak point performance. And, you get exactly the same here. You have the rocket fast speed content management system on the planet here.

• Very light in weight – without any complexity and bloatware, you get the lightest site for you. You do not have to re-work on another WordPress.

• Good security – Now you have a security system to rely on. With bullet proof filter mechanism, you have a complete protection against all types of SQL and XSS attacks.

• Improve and fix on your own – with the GitHub documentation, you can easily fix and improve your documents. Just edit it and send a request to put up the changes.


Right from changing the title, description to homepage, you have utter luxury to edit any and everything. A good CMS allows you to update and edit your site without even touching the code. A good CMS company makes it simpler for business by allowing the control of the content of the site in your hand without messing with the code.


Redaxscript is just the perfect solution to enjoy amazing designer and developer services from the comfort of your home. Get all the services of flexible, ultra lightweight, super – fast and undeniably good CMS at amazing rates here on Redaxscript!

Interview with Henry Ruhs


Here at SkyTechGeek, we discussed with Henery Ruhs (developer of Redaxscript) about his journey so far, how he manages his empire and few other topics related to Redaxscript.

– Tell our visitors about you?

This is Henry Ruhs from Dresden, Germany. Employed as Team Lead for Frontend-Development at move:elevator. I’m addicted to Open Source and love to contribute on GitHub! 🙂

– Why did you start this CMS?

Redaxscript, accidentally started as a fork of the sNews CMS http://snewscms.com> 1.6 in 2008. These days I was a newbie to Web-Development and learned PHP just by hacking together code snips from the sNews forum.

– What is Redaxscript about in one sentence?

Since day one, I loved the idea of simplicity and therefor put a great afford into a lightweight footprint what results Redaxscript’s great overall performance.

– In your opinion, what are the top features Redaxscript has to offer?

Let me quote Redaxscript’s top features for Web-Developers:

1. Database Abstraction

An object relational mapper and fluent query builder provide a preconceived and standardised abstraction layer for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

2. Docker Container

Enjoy the zero configuration alternative to virtual machines. Our container is made for developers to compose and install Redaxscript with the needed environment in less than two minutes.

3. Console Interface

Execute a useful collection of powerful commands from the terminal or straight from the browser. Automate your installations, backups, imports and other tasks.

4. Smart Caching

Don’t worry about scaling. A simple yet effective file caching for assets and pages balances high server loads to deliver your website in a timely manner.

Of course, there are also top features for Web-Designers:

1. Responsive Design

Over two decades of expertise in the field of web design helped us to create a mind-blowing user experience across mobile devices and computers.

2. Grunt Stack

Make use of the popular task runner to enhance the development, perform quality assurance and automate different tasks for continuous integration and deployment.

3. Modern CSS

Built with PostCSS, the successor to SASS and LESS. We created a sophisticated component based architecture following the semantic naming convention of NCSS.

4. Asset Management

Manage and bundle your base, template and module assets with a set of elegant template tags, that were heavily inspired by the good parts of Zend View.

– What is your target audience?

Redaxscript is a Geek’s CMS and targeted to Frontend-Developers that a familiar with Grunt tasks to compile PostCSS to CSS.

– When should people use your product?

Redaxscript should be used for small to medium scaled websites that focus on speed.

– When should people better not use your product?

If you are looking for an solution that can be used by non-technical people you better stick to WordPress.

– What is it you love about your community?

It’s impressive to get in touch with people all over the world. I really love to work with my team members on improving Redaxscript and getting awesome features done. To this day, we retrieved 30 translations for Redaxscript.

– Thank you for your time.

You are welcome. Make sure to take a look on redaxscript.com for more information.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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