HomeBlogHow Important is SEO? 10 Expert Quotes

How Important is SEO? 10 Expert Quotes

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is truly an essential factor in making your website easy for everyone. It has a set of basic rules where the website or blog owners can surely follow and optimise their websites thus allowing the users to interact and also in achieving good Google rankings. Although most of the search engines are more sophisticated as the new updates are created and developed regularly. Business development is definitely dependent on SEO methodology.

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SEO helps to find the authentic or organic traffic on the internet. This traffic is usually generated from famous websites or direct advertising using various Search Engines campaigns. This helps in getting interested users who are willing to visit or revisit your website in near future. These days many professionals using various effective tools to boost up any business in a very short span of time. This is a tricky task which only yields notable results under expert supervision.

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1. “Basic search engine optimisation (SEO) is fundamental as well as essential. SEO will always help you to position your website properly as it the most critical point in the buying process or business development. This only applies when people need your site.” – Victoria Edwards

2. “The beauty and attractiveness of SEO is that, instead of pushing or forcing a marketing message onto folks who don’t want to hear or are not interested in what you have to say, you can reverse-engineer the same exact process to discover exactly what kind or type of people you are looking for, how to create the right content for it, and when to appear before them at exact the moment they are looking for it or when they need you the most. It pulls vs. Pushes.” – Cyrus Shepard

3. “Search engines aren’t trying to make life harder for website owners this is only a misconception. They see search as a product or like an entity, and as they improve their product, the game changes by default. They are just directly dependent on one another” – Kathryn Aragon

4. “Search engines are usually unique in a way that they provide targeted traffic for your website – for people who looking for what you are offering or what you may offer. Search engines are generally the roadways that make this real. If search engines cannot find your site through their crawlers or add your exclusive content to their database, you might miss out on incredible opportunities to drive traffic to your site. Just make sure you are active and alert” – Rand Fishkin

5. “Think of SEO in this way: For example, If a customer-focused content marketing program is the sandwich, then SEO is the cheese, without each other they are just bread and cheese. But together it makes a cheese sandwich. It covers basically everything and enhances the overall flavour of the sandwich, although it never extinguishes the hunger.” – Lee Odden

6. “These days, an expert of search engine optimisation field is more of a content experience analyst or strategist who focuses on optimising and implying content across multiple devices and platforms for various kind of users. It is all about building supreme-quality, authentic, useful, targeted content for all stages or categories of the website. Once the buyer journey has begun consumers or clients will join together while you are on the way to the destination.” – Winston Burton

7. “SEO is relatively a long-term investment, and usually every company should be prepared to invest in the work of SEO over the long period of time, just think it as a future backup or investment. Basically, frequently publishing unique and valuable content is the initial step, but the ongoing work of SEO is regularly promoting the content on various recognised websites, also by building social media channels on all the available platforms, and building the overall brand by developing relationships with reputable websites and blogs.” – Jayson DeMers

8. “Some experts who work on SEO may cling to technical considerations about black hat strategies and might insist that content marketing is, just one small part of an SEO strategy. There are also content strategists who ignore SEO and whisper, “If I make it, they will come.” But as Google’s algorithms become more and more sophisticated at understanding and identifying high-quality content, these so called experts need to see the light: good content is good Seo, and good SEO drives good content. If one breaks down so will the other” – Nate Dame

9. “The success of very websites present on the internet now depends on search engine optimisation and digital marketing strategy. If you are on the first or second page of all major search engines then you are ahead of your competitors in terms of online sales. Mark my words” – Dr Christopher Dayagdag

10. “But let’s pretend there was a secret set of rules. Ten things that everyone said you absolutely HAD to do. Would you do them? Would you follow the exact same template that everyone else was using so that you had zero chance of stand out? If you would, you’re a moron.” – Lisa Barone

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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