HomeBlogSEO Features that Can Improve Your Product Page Ranking

SEO Features that Can Improve Your Product Page Ranking

Online shopping is the most trending, addictive and successful platform when it comes to online marketing. SEO is a term which can either create or destroy a website. And this term becomes more crucial when it collaborate with E-Commerce which totally depends on attracting customer, delighting and retaining them.SEO features that can improve your product page ranking

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SEO become more complex when applied to E-Commerce websites, which contains more than thousands of product listing. This is the reason you need to follow the best set of practices to make sure that the website is running at its best.

In order to increase your product page ranking, these SEO features can be incredibly helpful. So, let’s get started.

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1. Use Descriptive URL’s which are SEO friendly

The Url of the product page must be crisp, short and precise. Avoid any un-required content detail which has no relevance to the customer. The risk in writing long URLs is they might break and shows error 404. Use good keywords in order to provide the user a detailed product description.

2. Use title tag which is related to the product

The title tag is very crucial for Search Engine Optimization. So, always make your title tag SEO optimized. Make sure that you use keywords in the title tag. You can mention important keywords, product brand, name and specification under 65 words.

3. The Page should be Mobile Friendly

We all know mobile users are increasing very rapidly. This increases the rate of shopping from mobile rather than PC. So, to interact efficiently you have to make your website mobile friendly. This becomes more critical if we talk about SEO perspective. If a website is mobile friendly, they are likely to get higher rankings in SERPS.

So, in a nutshell, either you need to make it mobile responsive or you can opt for its mobile counterpart AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). If you did not take it seriously, you might lose 50 percent of your customers. I hope you get the clear message. Let’s see the next point,

4. Site Search Feature is a Must

If you observe E-commerce website or more importantly successful E-commerce websites you’ll find a Site Search Feature. This box indicates your business and on which platform you’re working. Now, what’s the benefits? Well, it provides you entire details of what your customer is looking for on your website. Hence, this data can further help you to create plans to increase your customer’s site experience and also to initiate a quality, in-detail keyword research.

From the customer’s perspective, they can easily search for any item on your website. And due to site search, it becomes easy to eliminate all the competitive websites by giving you more screens than them.

5. Use Attractive Pages to Boost CTR (Click Through Rate).

In order to ensure extraordinary search results for your website use attractive images of the products and post unique product descriptions. There are many cases where manufacture company provides the seller the image and the description which is further forwarded by the seller to the client. Do not follow such practice.

You compressed photos with a link to a fuller version. This will also speed your website up and helps you to decrease your page load time which is excellent for improvement of SEO rankings of the product pages.

6. Avoid Duplicate Content

I will never advise you to ever use duplicate content on your website. When it comes to the product page of an E-commerce website, it is more restricted. Search Engine bots are very clever, they can easily detect duplicate content and when they do that, they avoid showing the duplicate content.

So, if you’re using duplicate content in product page of your eCommerce website, then poor SEO ranks are assured. Hence, one rule, “never copy paste” or else be ready to drop your rankings significantly. Work hard and get rewarded with good rankings. Your choice.

7. Must Provide Product’s Detailed Specification

Always provide detailed information to the customer about the product. Now as in specification, it must include color, size, the weight of the item, dimensions, its unique features, product’s warranty details, instructions (if any), and etc. Never hide the price of the product and keep it in clear space to avoid any confusion.

If you want, you can include Q&A page to avoid any confusion and encourage your customer to make a purchase. This enables you to create a customer-centric page.

8. Make space for Customer Reviews

Now understand this first, whenever a customer buys something online, he/she always read previous customer’s review in order to gain a certain idea about the product. This review system can be very crucial when it comes to their buying decision. So, it is important to add a space to your product page. Let’s have a look at the guidelines introduced by Google when it comes to Customer’s reviews.

❖ Reviews must be generated from your website. You cannot post a review on another website. Posting review in another website will give preference to that “other website”, not your website.
❖ You mustn’t hide your bad reviews. You should not be biased when it comes to the reviewing your product. Show all the reviews, the good and the bad one as well.
❖ All review must be authentic, independent and should not be paid.
❖ The reviews must be narrowed to the product and service on that page. It should not cover the entire company. However, one can enter review about company’s customer service if they want on the review page.

So, allow your customers to add reviews and let your visitors decide what is appropriate for them.

9. Always Prefer Keyword Enhanced Copywriting

Now, you wrote a unique content but you didn’t include any of the keywords, not in the title, not in the body and not in the ending. This copy is as same as the duplicate content. It is highly unlike if the Search Engine bot will be able to index a content without any keyword. Always remember to use the balanced amount of keyword in heading, subheading, and body of the content. This will help the Search Engine bot to index your content easily and efficiently.

So, these are the 9 SEO features which can improve your page product ranking. In order to avoid confusion, let’s have a quick recap of the features we discussed above.

• Use Descriptive URL’s which are SEO friendly.
• Use title tag which is related to the product.
• The Page should be Mobile Friendly.
• Site Search Feature is a Must.
• Use Attractive Pages to Boost CTR (Click Through Rate).
• Avoid Duplicate Content.
• Must Provide Product’s Detailed Specification.
• Make space for Customer Reviews.
• Always Prefer Keyword Enhanced Copywriting.

So, I hope you like the points. These points can be helpful while strategizing a checklist for an e-commerce website. If you have any confusion you can reach me via comments and social media. Till then, have fun.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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